P5K Premium Annoyances


Nov 21, 2006
Well, I just got this baby fired up tonight and so far seems OK. Small 25% overclock on stock voltages just to break it in . Running 3 x 320Gb Seagates in RAID 0 mode with no problems to report as regards the many that are having with this chipset.

2 weird things though :confused:

CPUz (1.41) shows my core speed 1000 below what its actually running?? so it shows 2003.9MHz when its really 3003.9MHz and a multiplier of '6' when its really '9'??

Voltages are way off the mark!! These read +3.3 @ 3.28, +5.00 @ 5.51 and +12.00 @ 9.61!!!! WTF

I then tested in 'Everest Ultimate' to make sure CPUz and MBM weren't giving false readings and they show exactly the same figures there too??

Checking the BIOS itself shows the voltages and core speed to be what they should be and not the silly numbers above.

Disabled C1E in BIOS and Speedstep with no difference either. Running XP.

Any ideas?? :confused:
I have the p5k deluxe & had exactly same issues with cpu-z , updating to a newr bios fixed it. Don't know what's available for the premium, maybe worth a look.

12v is also the same on mine, seems to be general atm with asus boards, previously i had a commando which was the same.
