P5E and ethernet connection problems


Jun 23, 2004
Hello everyone/anyone.

I'm setting up a new system and I can't seem to get the Ethernet connection to work right with the integrated Marvell LAN.

GTS8800 512
4 GB RAM (2x2GB)
Vista Ultimate 64-bit
Everything is a stock settings, no overclock

I got the OS installed but the network is just not right. I can connect to the internet but it's very slow and timing out while trying to connect to even yahoo.com. I've installed the chipset, marvell, soundmax drivers using the ASUS disc. My network is using a router and I can't even connect to the router. The Marvell Gigabit is enable in the bios. LAN Boot ROM is disabled. The lights on the RJ-45 jack indicate that it is working. It is only 100 Mbps connection because that's what the router is. Other computers (all running XP) have no problems. I've tried different network cables and the problem remains. Obviously I can't do any Windows updates or anything until I have a good connection. I'm setting this up at my office and I don't have access to bypass the router and plug directly into the cable modem.

Is there some setting that my dumb a$$ is just missing?

Is your router running some sort of MAC filtering?

I'd probably snag a cheap PCI LAN card and give that a try to see if the problem is your ethernet port.