P2P blocker for Vista (Peerguardian-esque)


Jul 22, 2005
Does anyone know of an equivalent to Peerguardian for Vista? Peerguardian is great, but unfortunately it currently only works in pre-Vista windows.
They are working on an updated version of PG2 as well, so it should hopefully be out soon for vista.
That RC1 has been out since the summer. I got it then and it continually crashed and generally did not work at all. The list updating aspect was BS as I recall. The fact that it has been a release candidate for many months now is unsettling at best.
Meh. The PeerGuardian software has always been a joke. It exists to make pirates feel safer downloading crap, but you're still very much accessible regardless if you're using BitTorrent, andc hances are good the industries arne't simply using their publically registered IPs to run their monitoring software. They're going through standard internet connections and checking out traffic that way. In other words, if you're pirating crap, PeerGuardian isn't likely goiing to do you any good. You're better off doing say, oh, I don't know, not pirating movies/music/software/tc. I've known a number of people who have recieved C&D letters while stilll using PeerGuardian, so. . .
Some of us don't like certain people that we have to be on the network with to see our browsing patterns... so ... is there any similar software that can be used in 64bit vista?
works for me
