

Mar 21, 2008
I like newegg, and feel pity for AMD...

Isnt this a bit of an oxymoron?
Sorry im not biting on this one. I'll look for a ridiculus Intel ad later. In all seriousness I saw this a few weeks ago and did laugh to myself, so I'll give you some credit.
whats an oxymoron?

Ummm, forgot how to explain it...

But the term "Jumbo Shrimp" can be an oxymoron because "Jumbo" is an adjective describing something big, where as "shrimp" are considered to be something small.

Kinda contradicting.
whats an oxymoron?

I guess "Stay atop the food chain" when Intel is faster? Although not really an oxymoron, I always thought an oxymoron was something like "futureproof computer" :eek:

I thought intels Motorcycle next to the Tricycle was hilarious.
whats an oxymoron?
It's a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms, as pointed out earlier terms like "jumbo shrimp" "a team of loners" "deafening silence" "living dead" "sober drunk" stuff like that.
You guys forget, not everyone overclocks. AMD is still easily competitive in the stock range.
lol i always see that add but never really paid attention to it, didn't even notice the sharks were chasing some tuna. MMMMM tuna.