OWA Help

nslookup mail.domain.com

Is the IP address the same as what you are manually trying to reach?
Thanks for the reply.
How can I check?
Where should I run that? On the exchange server? and how...

Sorry for the questions as i am totally lost...

thank you.

forgot to add...the exchange server is ours..
i jsut changed the web/domain hosting company to godaddy...
I think you want to setup a subdomain for mail.domain.com
that points to domain.com/exchange. Why would you want a mail.domain.com
subdomain and then exchange after it?
Yup... subdomain is what you're needing then, makes more sense now that you've clarified it.

You need to go into your domain control panel (via GoDaddy), and setup a exchange.domain.com subdomain to point to the IP Address that OWA is on.

At that point, the URL should be exchange.domain.com/exchange once that is setup.

Hope this helps!
thanks for the replies.

does it matter if i put https:// or http://

i guess i will add exchange.domain.com to point to my OWA xx.xx.xx/exchange correctt?

Can't add https://xx.xx.xx.xx/exchange
godaddy is telling me to enter a valid IP address.

our OWA won't work if i just enter xx.xx.xx.xx/exchange
it only works when https:// is in front....

any ideas? is your IP address.
Hitting that will probably go to your general page of your Exchange server, adding /exchange to the end specifies to go to OWA.

Setup exchange.domain.com in Godaddy to point to
This way, when you go to exchange.domain.com you get to your general page of exchange. Adding /exchange to the end of that (resulting in exchange.domain.com/exchange), will take you to OWA.

Make sense?

The only configuration you should need to make, is creating a subdomain in Godaddy and pointing it to
thanks for the replies
i tried that and http:// doesn't redirect me to https://

do you think my old hosting company will still have all my settings?
although i transferred i didn't cancel yet....

EDIT: just tried to add and was successful at adding
and I am lost...........................totally lost..................

Do you have a DNS C record setup with your new hosting company for xx.xx.xx.xx to mail.domain.com? You're going to need that if you haven't already done it.
Hosting is simply the server hosting your web pages.
You have two: Your exchange server and your web server.
The web server is now at Godaddy, but your exchange server is still yours- that hasn't changed at all.

So, your exchange hosting hasn't changed at all.

What HAS changed is the company your domain is registered with, that is all.

Now, assuming you setup mail.domain.com or exchange.domain.com or whatever you ended up naming it to go to, you should be good.
Have you left it alone since yesterday? DNS changes like this sometimes take awhile to take hold.
Next question, if you can ping, can you ping mail.domain.com ????
Thanks for the reply.
I understand now but the thing is...
the only works when there is a https:// in front of it and /exchange in the back.

so pinging both of those don't work either...
I figured it out!!!!!

OMG I was stupid...
I can feel how frustrated you probably were because I couldn't understand that SIMPLE concept!!!

Again, I thank you and everyone else!

What a relief!
To have http redirect you to https..don't you need port 80 open/forwarded for that? I never want port 80 open...I only do 443.

Just a ton easier for my users to type in "exchange.domain.com" versus needing all the prefacing stuff... I know of maybe 2 folks in the entire company with technical smarts enough to know how to do the https:// without having to have a huge learning experience.
Just a ton easier for my users to type in "exchange.domain.com" versus needing all the prefacing stuff... I know of maybe 2 folks in the entire company with technical smarts enough to know how to do the https:// without having to have a huge learning experience.

I haven't found it hard to drill "Must type in an 'S' at all. Often what I do actually is have their website designer "hide" a link in their website in a certain section for those numbnuts who can't remember the letter "S". They can always remember their website. IMO having some staff maybe stumble the first couple of times til they can remember it..outweighs having the brutally dangerous port 80 exposed on an important Windows server.
sooo wait how can i check if my port 80 is open or not...
im getting worried.

if i type in mail.domain.com/exchange it won't access it.
only if i type in https://mail.domain.com/exchange i can access it...

does that mean my port is open? or closed?

thanks again.
sooo wait how can i check if my port 80 is open or not...
im getting worried.

if i type in mail.domain.com/exchange it won't access it.
only if i type in https://mail.domain.com/exchange i can access it...

does that mean my port is open? or closed?

thanks again.

Probably closed- at least on your server... If you are that worried about it (I personally am not as worried about it as Stonecat) you need to block it at the router level.