Overtake REAL close!!


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - September 2007
May 4, 2001
Just did a little 3,600 point dump (feel a lot better, but about 600 is still bound up) so I thought I'd check our distance from the Aussies -

C'mon guys pour it on!!
Let's gain and MAINTAIN the lead!!
(as of this I'm actually at 252,366)

NOW - 86832!!
Wow, I knew we were close, but I had no idea we were this close. Good job guys, like gnewbury said, lets take this back and keep it this time!

Fresh Roasted Roo... Get your freshly roasted roo here....

"And the hits keep on commin"

I finally got my farm all working. sadly the 2-3k worth of points they are sitting on will dump right after we over take them..... so I will help push us past them and then the
tide will turn on the flog-a-whatchamacallit...
95,636 at the moment. Remember a few days ago we were all advised not to kick a sleeping lion :rolleyes: . If anyone happened to make a post at OCAu last night, that was unsportsmanlike, maybe an edit is in order. If you haven't already been banned down there.
Imagine them heating they're homes with folding goodness, as some of the [H]orde have to take boxen offline, due to excessive heat. It's 72 degrees outside, here in Indiana. Without the AC running, I'd have to unclock, or possibly lower CPU usage on my Prescott rig, already.

Yeah, lets keep this up. We can pass them, and hold onto the lead if we don't drop off too much over the summer.

I turned most of my machines back on for a couple weeks or so. At least until we pass anyway. Probably will turn most of them back off afterwards, but I figured I'd surge for the final push!

Best of luck everyone. :)

68238 left to go
300K and still going - methinks by next week we will be owning those aussies!!!
Leadman, 72 degrees and you have to lower? I am spoiled temps dont get below 59ish here, and not too hot either lol. Santa Monica is nice. Well, soon as venice comes i'll have another rig up.
My window AC has been on all winter. Shut it off once, when outside temps dropped below 0. Came home to a 97 degree bedroom. It finally got up to 83 today, even with AC on, bedroom is rather warm at 86. I'm upstairs, and even with every register on this floor blocked, heat from downstairs, and the rigs, can get toasty. Racecarl has the same dilemma, I believe. If I ever get rich, and build my own home, first order of business is a climate controlled clean room, and a ton of servers.

too many numbers for me, all I know is both rigs are folding 24/7 at 100%
My three rigs here, and one in a datacenter are folding 100%. Wish I had my Xeon rig going, it looks like it will make my average PPD go up to twice what it is now. :)

so the only thing I have to do on my end is set it to team number 33 right?

I'm at 1525/2500 right now. When it completes, do I need to "dump" anything like the OP said?

Sorry... this is my first time trying this. :) I got kinda caught up in this excitement.

I have 3.45 ghz folding!!! :p
yup, just add the info and it'll do the rest when it connects to the Stanford servers to get a new work unit.

60k left guys....can't wait. who's supplying the wine!!! :p
bobsaget said:
so the only thing I have to do on my end is set it to team number 33 right?

I'm at 1525/2500 right now. When it completes, do I need to "dump" anything like the OP said?

Sorry... this is my first time trying this. :) I got kinda caught up in this excitement.

I have 3.45 ghz folding!!! :p

Yes, team 33. You can do that by editing the client.cfg file, or running the client with the -config flag (if you're running the console version). If you are running the graphical version, there is an option somewhere to change the team number.

Once thy WU is finished, it will automatically send the results back to Stanford and retrieve a new unit to work on. Keep up the good work!

According to stats @ stanford.

Them - 115727423
Us - 115665540
Difference - 61883

Leadman584 said:
95,636 at the moment. Remember a few days ago we were all advised not to kick a sleeping lion :rolleyes: . If anyone happened to make a post at OCAu last night, that was unsportsmanlike, maybe an edit is in order. If you haven't already been banned down there.
Imagine them heating they're homes with folding goodness, as some of the [H]orde have to take boxen offline, due to excessive heat. It's 72 degrees outside, here in Indiana. Without the AC running, I'd have to unclock, or possibly lower CPU usage on my Prescott rig, already.

some of them were tryin to trick our guys to fold for u's by tellin em ocau was team 33, others where in the troubleshooting forums and like if some1 posted there cpu was too hot they answered "change ur team to team 33 that will cool it right down" :rolleyes: lol, gotta admit i did laugh
Wow, that's ingenious. the perpetrator must step forward, and take a bow. Unsportsmanlike is one thing, sneaky is another.

ikellensbro said:
18,479 left, looks to be 5am tomorrow for takeover :D
4-20 is going down in [H]istory.

Oh dear!


We're not going to just roll over, mate
ezee said:
Oh dear!


We're not going to just roll over, mate

But ya did :p At least this time. We know you'll be back with more in a few months. It's what keeps it fun :D
noboundaries_au said:
some of them were tryin to trick our guys to fold for u's by tellin em ocau was team 33, others where in the troubleshooting forums and like if some1 posted there cpu was too hot they answered "change ur team to team 33 that will cool it right down" :rolleyes: lol, gotta admit i did laugh

LOL :D (no it wasnt me)

PoisonedPawn45 said:
LOL :D (no it wasnt me) it was the one armed man

Fixed ^^^^

What a terrible time for my NAT server to take a dump :( I just got my network back on the internet, and turned in almost 500 pts in timeless tinkers from the crappers :D now I only have one more boxen to get folding tonight.........

[H]ard|OCP - 116,164,221
Overclockers Australia - 116,178,605


Come On Boys! Let's go for the WIN! :D :D
/swedish_chief_voice borge, borge borge /end swedish_chief_voice

Come on [H]orde!!

Power of ten!!

borged a friends G5 1.8Gig and it will be running at least all night tonight and I am trying to get him to just start it when he leaves work so that will help...hhhuummm...now I wonder about the lab machines...hhhuuummmm

Who's stayin' up for it? :)

(Oh and new Barton 2500+ reporting for duty) :D
Not me...got class at 8:00 in the morning...I'm gonna be dragging tomorrow. :(

ikellensbro said:
18,479 left, looks to be 5am tomorrow for takeover :D
4-20 is going down in [H]istory.

[H} - "1 chicken, 2 chickens, 3 chickens,..."

OCAU - "They're not chooks, mate, they're eggs."