Overheating?(9800se-softmod to pro)


Aug 26, 2004
As the title says, I have a 9800se softmodded to a pro wiuth no overclocking whatsoever. If I'm doing anything grahics intensive either my computer shuts off or the video does not display anymore. There isn't any warning like artifacts.I'm not sure how to check my temps on my videocard but if someone can point me in the right direction that would be nice. I can tell that it's over heating because its evermely hot near my videocard...hotter than most.

That doesn't sound like the GPU is necessarily overheating. It sounds more like the PSU not giving it enough power and shutting down. What are the specs of your PSU? Wattage and 12v A rating.
Going from se to pro speeds would also be overclocking;)
the extra power being drawn from your modded 9800 could be choking your psu. What kind of psu do you currently have?

I'd get something from Enermax or a more reputable brand. TT's are rebrands and I've had some first hand experience with their problems.
are you sure its a powersupply issue because it does not reboot evrytime I play...only when I play for 3+ hours.
You won't be sure until you eliminate the possibilty by changing out the PSU. It could be that the PSU is overheating, the CPU is too hot or something else is getting too hot for too long and causing the reboot.
i am having the same kind of problems right now with my sisters computer. the computer with either freeze all together or the screen will go black and lose signal. i dont think the inside of the case is too hot. the card is only a radeon 9550 with a passive heatsink. i guess i will swap out my power supply too just to make sure it isnt the problem.