Overclocking Radeon 9800 Non-Pro


Jan 17, 2004
I have an ATI Radeon 9800 (non-pro), with default clock speeds of:
CPU: 324mhz
RAM: 290.25mhz
STOCK cooling

What I want to know is:
-has anyone oc'ed this card with good results?
-how far should i push my cpu/ram on the card? (should RAM stay below CPU)

I did the OC at about 337mhz cpu and 325mhz ram and got artifacts on the screen right when FarCry's splash screen came up.
use something like wizzards ati overclocker. it will raise your cards mem and core until it finds a single artifact. of just try raising the core and mem in 10-15 increments until you see artifacts during 3dmark or games

i like wizzards atitool because it automatically finds the sweet stuff and you knows its stable. i don't have the link handy but search google and you'll find it.

on stock i could get 395/320ish

now i can get 430/320 with my VGA silencer.

fast card, at an unbeatable price.
Thanks for the fast replie, guys. I'll look into wizzard's ati overclocker and perhaps a new cooling setup.
I'd guess that the RAM will be the limiting factor. The core should go very fast, hopefully up to pro speeds.
Ram is 80% to be Infineon 3.3ns which tops out usually around 315-320. Unless you vdimm the card.
If your card equipped with Samsung Memory i.e. K4D263238E - GC2A or K4D26323RA - GC2A, you can try flashing with the 9800 PRO BIOS. This BIOS raises the memory voltage of 9800 NP, helps to get 380MHz Memory like 9800P.
I get 424/652 (326.45mhz Memory to be a nerd about it) stable on my ATI 9800non pro, stock cooling. But I have a well ventilated case with proper & balanced air flow in & out. That's makes a big difference.

I used ATITool & stressful Benchmarking to find the speed I'm at, I use Powerstrip for actually overclocking the Card. With better cooling I could get more from the Core, but with my Ram being Samsung (mine is rated at 333mhz but it's unstable over 329mhz @ stock Core GPU speed of 324), it's not worth it to go all out with extreme cooling since its stable where it is. It's also not likely to gain me much in reality to keep raising the Core since the Memory is maxed out. Too much stress on the Card for minimal gains. In performance the card sits nicely between a 9800 Pro and an XT, so I'm really content until the next gen cards come along.

A couple of things that helped me get this OC was as I raised the core past 400mhz, I backed the memory down a tad. So I'm more stable at 424 Core with the Memory at 326 than I would be with the memory at 329. I think this is because the card is simply running hotter at this high of a Core clock it affects the Ram temps. The other thing that REALLY helped me was raising my VDDQ in Bios from default (1.50v) to 1.60v. 1.70v makes the card unstable & default won't allow me to overclock past 378 on the Core w/o Artifacts.

So there it is, good luck!
I thought the newest driver had OVERDRIVE for the 9800 series cards. It was supposed to kind of overclock it for you, but then tone it down when temp levels went up.

You could get a cover/fan for the card at http://www.coolerguys.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=1100

You could also get a PCI slot fan at http://www.coolerguys.com/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=1106

Or you could get a cigarete lighter for you computer at http://www.coolerguys.com/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=916 (Couldn't help it....)
Is your card a sapphire? or is it a BBA? I got my sapphire to 440/400 without artifacts in most things. it is completely artifact free at around 412/375
Okay, used ATITool and found a nice balance between cpu/mem. It's 380/309 without artifacts. Stock cooling.

I <3 this card.


Originally posted by Volume
Okay, used ATITool and found a nice balance between cpu/mem. It's 380/309 without artifacts. Stock cooling.

I <3 this card.

Congrats, good job!