Overclocking my 3200 Winchester corrupts system partition... help!


Dec 11, 2004
Hi all,

I haven't done any overclocking since the golden days of changing jumpers on P-100 so it ran Heroes of Might & Magic III at whopping 133 mhz!

But recently I finally got to pick decent parts and bought the following:

AMD64 3200+ WINCHESTER (Stock cooling)
eVGA Geforce 6800 GT
200 GB Seagate Barracuda SATA

The videocard overclocked quite nicely to 420/1100. I changed FSB to 220 mhz and thus got the cpu to run at 2.2GHZ. Here I want to note that it barely goes past 50deg when running intensive applications - quite cool.


Anytime I try to raise FSB any further, my Windows (XP SP2) hangs at the login screen. What's worse, I am forced to do a hard reboot... Next time I boot, it says that it can not find files on my system drive... And i can't even get a listing off the files if I boot in various recovery modes - the partition seems to be broken and I have to reinstall

This happened twice already, and it makes no sense to me - my cpu can definitely go past 2.2 GHZ, and my memory and mobo arent bad either... If FSB of 220 MHZ is stable as a rock and cool, in the worst case scenario I would expect to get an unstable system at FSB 225, not a hang and HDD corruption. [H]ard overclockers, help!

P.S. - my memory timings are at 3-3-3-8, memory is at 2.7V and I didn't touch CPU voltage
It could be the motherboard. Does your motherboard have a agp/pci lock or at the very least a divider?

What it sounds like is happening is the PCI bus getting to far out of spec(default 33mhz) and this i causing the harddrives to corrupt.
it's based on K8T800PRO so it has it.... Do I have to enable it in BIOS?
if its not revision 2, there's a good chance your agp/pci lock might not work even if you set it. if it is a revision 2, then choose 66.6/33.3 for the agp/pci frequency in your bios under the system voltage/frequency section.
66.6/33.3 agp/pci lock worked!!! I set fsb to 230 and running prime 95 right now. thanks ilal2ielli and NEVERLIFT !
igor said:
66.6/33.3 agp/pci lock worked!!! I set fsb to 230 and running prime 95 right now. thanks ilal2ielli and NEVERLIFT !

Yay!! Glad you got it sorted out.
Punchbugy said:
Yes, nForce3 250/Ultra does. I have the Epox 9NDA3+ @ 240x10 right now.

All amd64 boards should/do have locks except some of the long gone older revisions. Its not a big deal! :p
well my AV8 has it but everytime I overclock a bit, my vid card crashes while in windows. It has to do the whole VPU recovery thing. Do you think my lock is broken or something? Cause I set it.
Please allow me to use this thread to ask a few more questions

Using the PCI lock, i was able to get to 2500 GHz with max 55 load temps. As you can see, it is 250x10, and I am content with this speed.

However, how come HTT is 250 and my memory frequency shows up at 208? Also, which of the timings would I need to adjust to get an extra boost? (or are their fine for my Corsair memory)

Thanks in advance!


The 3-3-3-8 timings are loose so I think trying 1:1 with the memory is a good ideal. Otherwise try tighting them up, 2 or 2.5-3-2-10. (the 10 seems best even thou most can do 5, this was shown in tests and benchmarks). To get the timings tighter and stable besure and up the volts for the ram to 2.9v.
OMG Im glag i looked in here. This fixed my OC issues too. Wooooot. 2.4 Here I come. What settings should my memory be at 2.3ghz or even 2.4? I have 1GB Corsair XMS Im running at 2.3 right now with no probs. Should I make adjustments?
CounTDookU23 said:
OMG Im glag i looked in here. This fixed my OC issues too. Wooooot. 2.4 Here I come. What settings should my memory be at 2.3ghz or even 2.4? I have 1GB Corsair XMS Im running at 2.3 right now with no probs. Should I make adjustments?

Ok. At 2.3 I got a crashes. The ratio i used was 2:1. with the voltage at 2.8.

I than tried 2.3 at CAS3 with the same ratios 2:1 and 5:3 and still crashed. I

I got into windows with the above settings but no stability. What do i do. Also, I ran everest before with my timings at 2.2ghz and it showed a much higher memory bandwidth as well as higher memory write times, and lower latency. Is pushing this puppy past 2.2 worth it if i get a much lower score running at 5:3? When does the cpu speed stop making gains with higher timings and ratios VS just low latency and a lower OC. Please explain.
There are severals ways to test your o/c. I would loosen the timing on the ram and see just how high you can get the fsb and what divider seems to work best for you. After you have found the highest fsb then see about tighting the timings up and lowering the fsb to find just how tight you can get them. I would say if you can get the memory to run 230-250mhz + then go for it even if you have to run looser timings. If you can get 2-2-2-10 at 220-230mhz then I would go for that over a higher fsb and looser timing. IMHO ;)

I use Prime95, SuperPi, 3DMark 2001SE and unrarring a large file. (Memtest is good if you think the memory is bad or failing on you even at stock speeds and timings).
The unrarring a file part and checking for crc errors is a good way to test hdd for stability when o/c.
There are severals ways to test your o/c. I would loosen the timing on the ram and see just how high you can get the fsb and what divider seems to work best for you. After you have found the highest fsb then see about tighting the timings up and lowering the fsb to find just how tight you can get them. I would say if you can get the memory to run 230-250mhz + then go for it even if you have to run looser timings. If you can get 2-2-2-10 at 220-230mhz then I would go for that over a higher fsb and looser timing. IMHO ;)

I use Prime95, SuperPi, 3DMark 2001SE and unrarring a large file. (Memtest is good if you think the memory is bad or failing on you even at stock speeds and timings).
The unrarring a file part and checking for crc errors is a good way to test hdd for stability when o/c.

Should i go with a higher speed rated memory kit. Like pc4000? Does that matter?
CounTDookU23 said:
Should i go with a higher speed rated memory kit. Like pc4000? Does that matter?

Yes it matters. But you first should test the cpu and mobo now and see just how high a HTT(fsb) it can reach. Then you will know if the memory is needed.