Overclocking DVI-D clock frequency

Blackbeard Ben

Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2010
This is a bit of an unusual request, I guess.

I have an IBM T221 DG3 display - it's rare and extremely expensive, but I got mine in a total steal. Some of you may have seen it around here, from me (I'm new) or a couple of older posters.

It's the highest resolution monitor ever produced for under $25,000 or so - mine would have sold for $7,500 new. It's a bit convoluted, but I actually ended up making about $300 while getting mine, since I bought two and sold one, keeping the other. The buyer was a real fanatic about these monitors - he had about half a dozen of them. Oh, and I got another broken one and sold it to the same guy for parts.

It's a 3840x2400, 22.2" IPS LCD with a max refresh rate of 41Hz using four single link DVI-D cables. With two cables you can get 20Hz, and one gets you 13Hz. It always refreshes at 41Hz internally regardless of the input frequency.

There's a much more expensive, faster version out there too, the DG5. It does 24Hz with a single dual link DVI-D cable (going through an external processing unit) and 48Hz with an additional single link DVI-D cable. Those are even rarer and go for several times the value of the DG3 and DG1 versions, so they're out of the question for me despite the ease of use.

The display has a very powerful built-in processor that will split up the display in two two vertical 1920x2400 stripes or four 1920x1200 tiles for use with more than one input. Under Windows 7, I use a custom EDID with Eyefinity to get 20Hz out of my 5770. The reason I have to use a custom EDID is because the maximum resolution of the T221 isn't actually the one I want to use - and that's what Eyefinity defaults to without giving the user a choice.

Ideally I would get one of the vaporware 5870 Eyefinity edition cards with 6 displayports to get the full 41Hz, but I don't have that much money (the adapters would push that over the edge) and it's not even available yet. The 4850 X2 card would have worked under XP, but I need Eyefinity for 7. So here I am, stuck with a mere (lol) two single link DVI-D connections, for a maximum of 20Hz stock. It's not good for gaming, but video is alright with occasional tearing (I usually use another monitor for those applications), and web browsing, photo editing and productivity are amazing. There isn't a better monitor out there for photo editing - I can fit an entire 8 megapixel image on screen at 100% with room to spare. 10MP is only a tiny bit of scrolling or scaling.

My question is this: Does anyone know how to overclock the DVI-D clock? I've searched everywhere online but I can't find any info about it, as almost no one would have any reason to do so. The only reference I have found is here, where someone has taken the same display as mine (T221 DG3, just rebadged as a Viewsonic) and gotten a 32Hz refresh rate out of the same two single link DVI-D cables that I'm running to get 20Hz.

So I'm hoping to do the same - I imagine it may involve tweaking my 5770's BIOS and creating a new custom EDID - but I am willing to do that (or find someone who can) if need be to get better than 20Hz. I'm trying to contact that guy over at XtremeSystems, but haven't had any luck yet.

Oh, if you want to see some 100% screenshots you can check them out here.
Success! It turns out all I needed to do was obtain the right timings for the faster refresh rate, which Cirthix from xtremesystems.org (the link I gave) kindly provided me.

He had a whole software package with it, including multiple other timings and a program for updating the firmware of the monitor (embedding the new EDID in to it), but I was unable to use the firmware updater due to some issues with the USB interface. I'm running Windows 7 x64, but the drivers provided for it were 32 bit.

It turned out that I didn't need to worry about that though - I just created an inf file using MonInfo of the .dat timing file he supplied, and updated the monitor driver in the device manager.

I've now got 3840x2400 @ 34Hz!!

It's pretty sweet. Source engine games play pretty well, including TF2. Crysis was unbearably slow though - having a 5970 would be sweet.
I'm also trying to get a t221 d3 working on my system, can you provide me the inf file you used? Thanks in advance.

Thanks to BeN and cirthix for supplying the files required to get the monitor working at 3840x2400 34hz, but I still have problems. Win7 treats it as 2 monitors. Even with eyefinity, it still treats it as 2 monitors, the monitor reports 38400x1400 34hz though, could it be that I'm not using active adapter? I'm currently using passive with max resolution support is 1920x1200.