Overclocking a 7900gs


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2007
I just bought an EVGA 7900gs KO. I Downloaded coolbits and ran the (optimal speed) thing in forceware and it came up with 550/1480. I loaded up LOTR online and Fear, i could tell a difference. Temps stayed in the low 50/60s

I want to push this card a bit more but on the stock cooler. What is a safe temp to stay at for 4 hour LOTR gaming sessions? Can someone give me a rundown of what to do to keep this card stable.
Force your fan speed to run on High.......I dont know what Driver your Using but the Fan option in Nvidia control panel dont work good in any driver so I Use Rivatuner2.01 to set my fan control when i had a 7900Gs and 7950KO Oced it kept them plenty cool!