Overclocking 3200+ on A7N8X


Jul 16, 2004
I started overclocking my new 3200+ and I know that the multiplier is locked so I'm raising the fsb 5 at a time. Once I got to 220 I was getting a voice error "Memory Test Failed." and I would have to reset the CMOS and try lower settings. I tried lowering the memory timings and mhz (which I can only do by % because I have 1005 version of BIOS and no floppy drive to put a new one on.) The RAM is orginally Kingston Hyper X PC2700 which I'm pretty sure is the problem because it was running at 220 mhz instead of its default 166. Any other things I can change to maybe get a higher O/C? Thanks


Currently @ 215 mhz on CPU/Mem
Have the RAM run at completely normal settings. You won't get that RAM above 200 mhz, it's PC2700. And the above poster is right, the A7N8X boards overclock fairly well, but not to the 220 mhz or higher like other NF2 boards can. Using your multiplier at 200 mhz FSB of 12.5x would mean 2500 mhz, which you'll probably have trouble getting without good cooling, so shoot for something like that.
I would change the multiplier if I could, but I have a locked 3200. Once I get home ill try keeping the memory @ 2700 speeds and try to get the processor stable near 215mhz. Thanks for the suggestions, now its time to hope for the best.