Overclocked GeForce 8800 GTS 512 MB Roundup @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Overclocked GeForce 8800 GTS 512 MB Roundup - We've gathered 3 add-in-board partner overclocked GeForce 8800 GTS 512 MB video cards from 3 of today's biggest video card makers to see which has the better value in terms of gameplay experience!

These three video cards came to us from three of the biggest brands in computer gaming hardware: EVGA, XFX, and ASUS. At the end of the day, if we had to pick one of these video cards, we would choose the EVGA e-GeForce 8800 GTS 512 MB because it is the least expensive, comes with Crysis, and it provides the exact same gameplay experience as its more expensive competitors.
Where are the cards with faster RAM (as opposed to overclocked RAM)? Bah. These cards have huge OC potential with more voltage. Maybe the 9800GTX will be this GPU with more power and more memory bandwidth.
Regarding the Crysis benches it doesn't look like it pays to go from a 8800 GT to a GTS unless your playing it higher than 1600x1200. Definetly a great bunch of cards though.

I would also recommend ripping off the stock heatsink and going with a Thermalright HR-03 GT and a Scythe S-Flex F fan (45C at full load playing Crysis.)
Thanks for yet another great review! :) I was wondering if it would be worth it to overclock my shiny new 8800 GTS 512MB, and this article answers a resounding "No!" by comparing the XFX with speeds comparable to my BFG, and the ASUS TOP edition which would represent a decent but not extreme overclock to it. I especially liked that you used LOTRO as one of the games compared; it's a game that I play a lot!
Not be mega anal (oops, that nickname was taken by Steve Jobs already ;) ), but for the slight sake of consistency, could you fix up some of the terminology on the first page?

Under the "Today's Cards" section, you mention for the eVGA card the term "shader core," but on the other two cards you call it "streaming processors." (Yes, I know they are the same thing!) For consistency, might want to make them all one or the other... :D
Thanks for yet another great review! :) I was wondering if it would be worth it to overclock my shiny new 8800 GTS 512MB, and this article answers a resounding "No!" by comparing the XFX with speeds comparable to my BFG, and the ASUS TOP edition which would represent a decent but not extreme overclock to it. I especially liked that you used LOTRO as one of the games compared; it's a game that I play a lot!

I received a huge amount of feedback after my initial LOTRO DX10 evaluation, and a LOT of people wanted to know if the updates have fixed any of the DX10 issues. Apparently so.

Not be mega anal (oops, that nickname was taken by Steve Jobs already ;) ), but for the slight sake of consistency, could you fix up some of the terminology on the first page?

Under the "Today's Cards" section, you mention for the eVGA card the term "shader core," but on the other two cards you call it "streaming processors." (Yes, I know they are the same thing!) For consistency, might want to make them all one or the other... :D

Using the same words over and over and over makes for very monotonous and awkward reading.
Page 9, under the temperature chart.
3rd paragraph you talk about the "CPU temperature"
I think you mean GPU.

Great review though. Makes me glad I got my 8800gt, all things considered.
Page 9, under the temperature chart.
3rd paragraph you talk about the "CPU temperature"
I think you mean GPU.

Great review though. Makes me glad I got my 8800gt, all things considered.

Nuts. I was going to point that out.

Great review! Thanks guys!
Strange review...you seem to have 3 of the lowest clocking GTS in existence and your idle and load temps are very high on all three cards? What type of case were these cards tested in? My GTS never goes above 65c under load, and idles around 50c I have an XFX Apha Dog (The regular one not the XXX) and it overclocks stable in Crysis at 830Mhz Core, 2020Mhz Shader and 2100 or so memory, no vmods ior anything, bone stock except for setting a fan profile in rivatuner to bump the fan up to 65% when the card goes over 60c. From what i've seen on various forums the vast majority of GTS all overclock to at least 800mhz core yet none of yours came close?

Something just doesn't seem right here LOL
Strange review...you seem to have 3 of the lowest clocking GTS in existence and your idle and load temps are very high on all three cards? What type of case were these cards tested in? My GTS never goes above 65c under load, and idles around 50c I have an XFX Apha Dog (The regular one not the XXX) and it overclocks stable in Crysis at 830Mhz Core, 2020Mhz Shader and 2100 or so memory. From what i've seen on various forums the vast majority of GTS all overclock to at least 800mhz core yet none of yours came close?

Something just doesn't seem right here LOL

I am sorry our data doesn't match up to yours or what your expectations are. We simply evaluate it and pass it along to our readers.
Nice review, I didn't expect much of an overclock on these cards since they have been rung out with the GT. But Im glad I replaced my 3870 with the eVga 8800GTS friday and I was a little disapointed I could not run crysis (which came with the card) in 1920 x 1200 on high. Oh well still a nice card.;)

I'm too much of a noob to set fans yet. And don't know how to do it yet.
nice review Kyle, like to some Sli benches if possible. I own the Evga card and I was wondering if going Sli would I see any gaines in Fps/IQ. rig in sig.
I don't think I ever saw GTS SSC (112 SP) reviews anywhere... How did they do compared to the GT's?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but here goes:

I have the eVGA OC model, and I'm hitting the wall at @ 760/1060.

I have a pretty good custom water cooling solution (3x120mm Rad with Silverstone fans), which keeps my GPU at 37C idle and 45C load.

If you guys can clock it to 750/1050 on stock, I feel I should be able to push my card further.

Please not that I'm also using passive cooling on the RAMS and MOSFETS with an 80mm fan blowing directly on them.

If anyone has any experience OC'ing 8800 GTS under water cooling, please post your results.

Thanks in advance!
Strange review...you seem to have 3 of the lowest clocking GTS in existence and your idle and load temps are very high on all three cards? What type of case were these cards tested in? My GTS never goes above 65c under load, and idles around 50c I have an XFX Apha Dog (The regular one not the XXX) and it overclocks stable in Crysis at 830Mhz Core, 2020Mhz Shader and 2100 or so memory, no vmods ior anything, bone stock except for setting a fan profile in rivatuner to bump the fan up to 65% when the card goes over 60c. From what i've seen on various forums the vast majority of GTS all overclock to at least 800mhz core yet none of yours came close?

Something just doesn't seem right here LOL

My eVGA doesnt really overclock for crap either...bout the same as Kyle's review...can you post your BIOS?
My eVGA doesnt really overclock for crap either...bout the same as Kyle's review...can you post your BIOS?

You mean the version? It is If you mean the actual bios I have no idea how to do that LOL. Perhaps I am just extremely lucky with this card but it seems so strange the difference in temperatures and all that different folks are getting. The differences are so drastic that there has to be something to it it can't just be coincedence that some folks idle 50c and below and other folks idle close to 70c, I think this is why some folks can't overclock very well.. This is all very strange.
You mean the version? It is If you mean the actual bios I have no idea how to do that LOL. Perhaps I am just extremely lucky with this card but it seems so strange the difference in temperatures and all that different folks are getting. The differences are so drastic that there has to be something to it it can't just be coincedence that some folks idle 50c and below and other folks idle close to 70c, I think this is why some folks can't overclock very well.. This is all very strange.

Maybe XFX accidentally put an 8800 Ultra chip in there.
I would have loved for the HardOCP folks to add the MSI NX8800 GTS OC to the mix. It is 10 Mhz below the Asus but I would still loved to have known how it fared against these.

I was wondering how these cards will run in my Abit AB9 QuadGT mb with pci express 1.0a?
Currently have an XFX 8600 GTS and is it worth the upgrade with this mb?
Thanks for the help!
I was wondering how these cards will run in my Abit AB9 QuadGT mb with pci express 1.0a?
Currently have an XFX 8600 GTS and is it worth the upgrade with this mb?
Thanks for the help!

It will run just fine. I run 2 evga GTS512s in sli on a 680i and am able to keep consisten 40-50 fps in crysis at high settings. If i go to very high, it drops down to about 15fps which is just not acceptible.

Edit: 24" monitor at 1920x1200
Regarding the Crysis benches it doesn't look like it pays to go from a 8800 GT to a GTS unless your playing it higher than 1600x1200. Definetly a great bunch of cards though.

I would also recommend ripping off the stock heatsink and going with a Thermalright HR-03 GT and a Scythe S-Flex F fan (45C at full load playing Crysis.)

I dint need to replace my stock cooler. I think the s.cooler is more than adequate. Mine idles at 48C and loads at 61C with the stock cooler configured through rivatuner.