Over clocking ram

There's a reason why the big-box brands take away all the features from the BIOS... so users won't need to make warranty calls complaining that the machine failed after overclocking. If you want more customization, don't use an OEM-built machine.
_Korruption_ said:
There's a reason why the big-box brands take away all the features from the BIOS... so users won't need to make warranty calls complaining that the machine failed after overclocking. If you want more customization, don't use an OEM-built machine.
there are some compaq p4 systems that have unmodified p4c800-e deluxes in them with basically stock bios with the asus logo changed to compaq, guess where both my p4c's came from? :p all it took was a quick flash and it was a asus board again :D