Ouch ! Got electric bill today...

p[H]ant0m said:
Ow, who ever would have thought the vacuum cleaner would be the deciding factor.

Vacuum cleaners and hair dryers really suck some current.
AtomicMoose said:
How would you know about either?

I am having a slow mental day it seems so I will fall back to the old standbye rebuttal....jo mama :p
We have 4 (only my 2 actually fold :/) computers running full time, and a 5th that runs about 8hrs a day. Our bill is around $110/month but there are 4 guys living in the house...so yeah we use a lot of electricity. However, our heat/oven/dryer are all on natural gas so that's a seperate bill.
One way to keep the electric bill down and fold more proteins is to recruit new members.
I spoke with another office where I work about folding (showed the video) and showed them how to install the client.
For a few weeks, and later more intermittently, I reported on their progress.

Hey, your doing great! You've completed x Work Units.

Some have added their home PCs (to Team 33, of course!).

Recruit, borg, and fold!

gwai lo said:
your stupid farm is outproducing my borgs :( :p
whoops..nevermind...seems like i got an extra kick from somewhere

yeah..my mom just got the electric bill today and said she wants to shut off one of the two 24/7 rigs because the bill is unusually high :(
gwai lo said:
whoops..nevermind...seems like i got an extra kick from somewhere

yeah..my mom just got the electric bill today and said she wants to shut off one of the two 24/7 rigs because the bill is unusually high :(
Wow, you've got boxen on call !! I'm thinking you had a few borgs kick back in :p Just wait 'til my [H]ordeBowl machine comes back to my name -- I might catch up to you again..

RPhArrow said:
Wow, you've got boxen on call !! I'm thinking you had a few borgs kick back in :p Just wait 'til my [H]ordeBowl machine comes back to my name -- I might catch up to you again..
no kidding...maybe someone down at the lab finally figured out why most of the 3.0 P4's were running at 2 instead. Oh well...good stuff :D

Race to top 100 it is!

So if your [H]ordebowl machine is..what? another 300-400ppd? hmmm... :eek:

gwai lo said:
no kidding...maybe someone down at the lab finally figured out why most of the 3.0 P4's were running at 2 instead. Oh well...good stuff :D

Race to top 100 it is!

So if your [H]ordebowl machine is..what? another 300-400ppd? hmmm... :eek:

Good , you're worried :p Fold On!

yea i agree with celerator having borgs paid for by other people is much better then a farm paid for by yourself.

about 30-35 of mine are out in friends offices etc... about 60% are 24/7 now just need to convince some of the others that 24/7 is good for the computers:D

so i only have about 10 here in the house or so.