Orthos Testing - Priority Setting + Length of Testing


Sep 22, 2006
I'm presently testing an overclock on my Opteron 165 (CCBBE 0616XPMW), running at 2.727GHz (303*9).

Before overclocking, I determined maximum levels for my board's FSB, CPU, and RAM. I also tested the RAM with MemTest86+ (v.1.70), and then used Gogar's AMD OC Optimizer. I've run S&M (at Long Test Length, Full Priority Testing) CPU + RAM test, and passed that. SuperPi on both cores simultaneously also passed. I'm now running Orthos, and have had to raise VCore from 1.3625V to 1.40V (raised systematically and incrementally), after the tests failed at around 3 - 4 1/2 Hrs.

I'm running Orthos at Priority 10, and I'm going for a minimum of 12 Hrs.

Is there a correlation between Priority Setting, the length of the test, and actual functional stability?

Thanks for your thoughts, people!