Origin: Roadblock to Gaming or Service to Gamers?

That is good if it is done for 'backup purposes'. Unfortunately when a newly released game uses a cloud storage as a primary save method it sucks balls. Deus Ex had 1 minute+ load times for about two weeks after the release and ~5 seconds 6 months later.

The servers may have been overloaded or bugs were being worked out. Cloud saves were a new feature for lots of games so give it time to perfect
Steam all the way. Origin doesn't do anything as well as steam and as others have said.. Not as many people use it.
Only reason I have origin is BF3 and the only reason I would keep it is Battlefront 3.

If EA didn't yank their titles from steam and origin had to actually compete 1:1 with Steam. Origin would have tanked immediately.

As for the bloating. It's all how you look at it. Cards are dumb, yes. But instead of bitching about them just sell them on the marketplace and then you get cheaper or free games.

How you look at it cuts both ways. You call out issues with origin, then brush steams issues under the rug like they were nothing. Really they are nothing, but the same goes for most issues with the other services.

I prefer steam even though right now its the slowest of all my the services I use. I don't recommend to anyone to get every service available, I just tell them to get whatever games they want to play and not care about the service backing it. Not playing a game that you really want to play because its not on steam or because its on origin is silly.
Origin is complete garbage!
I hate every single time I have to open Origin to play BF3.
I hate it because it doesnt do anything for me besides allowing me to DL BF3.
Why are my battlelog friends not automatically put into my Origin Friends list?
Why does EA feel like they need to have their own distro service when Steam
already does everything so well?
Why are you going to do this again to me come Nov.
I swear I'm a fanatical BF gamer, but this Origin garbage makes
my stomach turn.

I hate it
I hate it
I hate it
Origin is complete garbage!
I hate every single time I have to open Origin to play BF3.
I hate it because it doesnt do anything for me besides allowing me to DL BF3.
Why are my battlelog friends not automatically put into my Origin Friends list?
Why does EA feel like they need to have their own distro service when Steam
already does everything so well?
Why are you going to do this again to me come Nov.
I swear I'm a fanatical BF gamer, but this Origin garbage makes
my stomach turn.

Thats why you do like me and modify awc.dll to bypass Origin. When you join a MP server it bypasses launching Origin. I literally never see Origin anymore unless I load it manually to update or redownload BF3. You can PM me for the DLL, or modify it yourself with HxD - a free hex editor - its literally only 2 bytes to modify. Been playing with the modded DLL for more than a year. Note this is not a crack, you still need Origin installed and a legit BF3 account, it just enables you to never need Origin resident/running as a service in the tray

Modify DLL yourself with hex editor: http://www.mpgh.net/forum/174-battl...ts/430604-diy-playing-bf3-without-origin.html
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Honestly it (to me) is like Facebook vs Google+. Steam was first and I have everyone I care about on there. Origin doesn't provide enough of a differentiation to migrate over; thus with no draw (other than it's required to play the games) none of my friends transitioned, and I didn't take the time/effort to transition friends lists over there too.

If it had some kind of steam importer, etc, or made itself like an Xfire type of product, I could see it more as a "social" tool. TBH, all I play now is PoE and BF3, so I don't even use Steam anymore, except I leave it up for friends who msg me occasionally.