O'Reilly - any ebook $9.99 05-21-2010 only


[H]F Junkie
Oct 10, 2001
Someone asked before about eBook deals, well you can't get much better than this.
Any eBook at http://oreilly.com/store/index.html for $9.99
eBook formats vary, but if it's available as pdf/android/ePub/Mobi, you get all formats with each eBook purchase.

This is a one day deal, so enjoy.
Thanks, great deal. Picked up a few books I had on my wish list. Not quite as good as having one to hold, but got 3 books for half what I would have paid for one of them normally.
How long does it typically take for an eBook to appear in the electronic media section of my account? Bought one eBook and am being greeted with this:

You don't have any media at this time. This area is designated for downloading all media you purchased through oreilly.com.

EDIT: That seemed to work itself out.
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Looks like a great deal. Miss the physical copy, though.

Now I just need to figure out which books would be most beneficial. SQL, Python, AD?
It would be great if that was the normal book price. Books I wish to have a real copy of not a digital copy.
What an incredibly annoying experience this is proving to be. O'Reilly is apparently loaded well beyond capacity. eBook downloads are simply a no go.
Yeah, servers are taking a beating right now. Deal is good all day though. It's usually a particular title for $9.99 every day, but I've never seen all titles available at $9.99 before.
Cool that they're in standard PDF format, but how locked down are they? I assume they allow to be printed. (I once had a PDF that prevented printing, so you had to take screen shots and print, which was very annoying.)
From their website
You get lifetime access to any ebooks you buy through oreilly.com, and whenever possible we provide you with four, DRM-free file formats — PDF, .epub, Kindle-compatible .mobi, and Android .apk ebook — that you can use on the devices of your choice. Our ebook files are fully searchable, and you can cut-and-paste and print them. We alert you when we've updated the files with corrections and additions.

Too bad their site is dead. Takes forever to verify CC and then you can't download. Hopefully I'll be able to download tomorrow.
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Telling me my promo code is invalid?

EDIT: Oh well, site is a POS. Not going to waste a friday night trying to order a C# book.
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It was yesterday only. They got so hammered they still haven't caught up. I got an email last night saying they are working on it and just to keep checking the account.

Sounds like they were really overwhelmed, which is kind of crazy for a publisher that big.
The code worked for me this morning. You do have to wonder how they did not see the load this kind of sale would cause.
The response I got from the automated system when I e-mailed [email protected] was this:


Thank you for contacting O'Reilly Media Customer Service. We are experiencing a very heavy volume of orders due to our recent promotion. This is affecting the delivery and access of your electronic media. Please be patient and keep checking your account. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We appreciate your patience as we are doing our best to respond to all inquiries.

Best Regards,
O'Reilly Media Customer Service

I can still download the only other O'Reilly eBook that I've purchased, "The Art of Capacity Planning." Made me chuckle.

The code worked for me this morning. You do have to wonder how they did not see the load this kind of sale would cause.
Just tried again. It still "works" yet I cannot access any ebooks... from yesterday. They now have an order confirmation message:
5/21/2010 — Due to heavy server volume you may experience
trouble downloading your ebooks.

Odd note, the book I just ordered today (5/22) showed up on the electronic media page.

I guess they took auswipe's "The Art of Capacity Planning" book home for the weekend.
They took a beating
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