orange box: pc vs 360?

I had people bring a 360 and a PS3 and we compared the same game side by side...

same graphics on both, but on the PS3, framerates were always constant... 360 was choppy. (don't start a flame war... i'm just ADD)

no specifics = worthless generalization

I compared two cars that both had the same tires one time, and one was faster than the other.

Details or go take your Ritalin.
If a multi-platform game is released, I ALWAYS get the PC version. Orange Box now, Call of Duty 4 Next. ;)
For me my original decision was hard to make because I have to decide between playing it with reduced graphical settings at native resolution on my 24" monitor to get a good steady framerate, or playing a chopfest that looks very nice.

With the 360 version, I'd wager to bet that the frame rate runs near or at 60fps all the time, even as the graphics get better from HL2 => EP2, whereas with my system I'd have to keep knocking down settings to achieve the same result.

Those of us running larger monitors or less than newer systems have different ideas and requirements for what we judge to be deal breakers in terms of graphics with games. Anybody with an 8xxx series or maybe even a 1900XT has an easy decision to make, the rest of us have made concessions in our upgrade paths for whatever reasons which may be why we pull double duty with consoles.

As someone said earlier, the game plays very well, so as long as the experience is intact, thats really all I personally look for, I'm sure others off the cutting edge of hardware probably make similar decisions.

You mean runs near 30 fps right? Since that's what the game runs at.
With a decent PC it runs smoother and looks better, high resolution, higher detailed textures, more AA and AF. Unless you're cheap, this isn't really a competition.
You mean runs near 30 fps right? Since that's what the game runs at.

Fine. 30 then. You can have shitty graphics, and a steady 30+ on my PC. Or, you can have a steady 30 with decent graphics on an HDTV.

With a decent PC it runs smoother and looks better, high resolution, higher detailed textures, more AA and AF. Unless you're cheap, this isn't really a competition.

And looking at your rig, I would expect nothing but a comment like that. I'm not trying to knock you or be rude, but look at what you've got. Cheap isn't even part of the equation, you're in the upper echelon performance wise, as are many others on this forum. I'm speaking for the low end middle-ground types of people. We don't look at it the same way as you do. You made a buying decision to build a rig like that, so that you could have superiority over all.

With my system, it could go either way. I'm leaning towards not playing this set of games at all until I upgrade later on next year. Probably gonna wait it out. I'm trying out the 360 version this weekend, so i'll see how I like it, and what I think of the way it looks and plays. That may sway me to put the orange box on my christmas list, or wait to pick it next year.
if you have a good pc, I'd take the PC anyday over the 360...

on top of the TF2 online play on pc...
also odds are if you are here on this forum, your rig is at least within the realm of 2 years old... since it's the source engine, a system 2 years old can still run fairly well, and anything made with a C2D with 8800 series gpu should be overkill.
With a decent PC it runs smoother and looks better, high resolution, higher detailed textures, more AA and AF. Unless you're cheap, this isn't really a competition.

so i suppose because i have a life and a family (this means i dont spend hours a day playing games or creating uber levels for a game) and have thousands ($$) invested in my home entertainment center i am a cheapo for wanting to buy the 360 see, i might just want to have a real life and enjoy a few games too, you know, have friends over, play together, from the comfort of the couch, with wireless remotes, on a big screen HDTV, with a heavy hitting surround system, and not spend any time troubleshooting a PC or be a complete ass when friends come over and sit in front of a PC or spend time watching them fumble with a KB/M , and no amount of uber graphics is going to make them or me feel better about it, they wont be drooling over my insane levels of AA/AF, they'll be whining about having to use the PC with it's small monitor, cumbersome controls, and less than stellar sound

yeah, i guess i am cheap:D

again, the age factor plays a huge role in this decision, single guys in college or high school who are content to sit in front of a PC all night for hours a day and have more disposable income for uber PC's will obviously not even consider a 360 version
I just can't use a controller with an FPS, I can't. Hook up a keyboard etc to your 360 then fine. If you don't you won't ever kill me in TF2, ever.
I just can't use a controller with an FPS, I can't. Hook up a keyboard etc to your 360 then fine. If you don't you won't ever kill me in TF2, ever.

FPS's have gone the wayside for me personally, they're all the same, just another gets old, the only one i still play is CS or CS:S and that's very very rarely, late nights stuck in a hotel with my laptop away from my home theater system and 360