opty 170 undervolt


Feb 10, 2003
I got my opty 170 running at 2.6 using 1.30v which is at lower end of the default voltage range. Has anyone been able to go lower on the vcore and still be stable. Ive heard of folks getting up to 2.8 with default volts. These have got to be the best bang for the buck processors ive seen so far.
I'm running dang near the exact same settings at tiamatu. Haven't tried undervolting. Just out of curiosity, why are you interested?
This is the first cpu that I have had that I could overclock by a large amount and actually be able to undervolt it slightly. All the rest ive had need at least 0.1v in order to get any decent overclock out of them. The only thing I can think of is amd has alot of high quality silicon left over from the 940 opterons and they are using it for the 939s which I bet 99 percent of them will and are made to do 2.6 at default so they have to underclock them a whole lot in order to keep them from undercutting thier main product lines like the 550 dollar fx 60 which the only differences is the name of the core which may be the same thing for all I know and unlocked multiplyer. I like to undervolt cause it uses less power and less heat is generated.
have you been sucessful in your undervolting? would like to hear if you do.