Optical "Y" connecters, anyone make one yet?


Jan 19, 2003
I'm looking to plug two dvd players(one a reg. player, and one a recorder/player) into my home theater system using an optical audio cable. My questions are. would this be possible, and why dosen't anybody make them?
A quick google came up with this page, they have a couple things. If I were you I'd get either of the selectors, I'm not sure a 'Y' cable would work. Then again, i've never tried it.
You could split one optical output into two optical inputs - you'd probably lose some distance, but it should still work.

However, running 2 outputs into 1 input, if both devices are turned on, is just not possible... the two signals would destructively interfere with each other.

You'd have to make a digital "adder" - a couple of TORX136 recievers feeding a pair of CS8420 sample rate converters, a local clock circuit, a CPLD to do the adding at the local clock and a CS8405 line driver/TOTX-something-or-other to send to the tuner. Or something like that.
Thanx rm.o , I tried Google-ing but couldn't come up with anything. That switcher is exactly what I'm looking for.
I think I googled "Optical output combiner" to get that. You might try "optical output switcher" or something like that. You might even try searching http://www.froogle.com