Opteron 146 what stepping to get?


Jan 23, 2005
im trying to find out if any has an opteron 146 that can hiot 3100-3200+ on water i think ive seen some out there but idk. also with volts around 1.5-1.6ish. and what steppings
Alot of them can. Look for CABNE or CAB2E if you're buying used. The particular weeks I'm not sure, maybe one of the hardcore overclockers can answer that.
I am actually selling one in the For Sale/Trade Forum here:
Opteron 146
Will do 3.0+ Ghz with good mobo/cooling, had mine in an Asrock mobo (not very good for overclocking) and a Ninja heatsink and 120mm medium speed fan running 2.75 Ghz with 1.45 volts
well, the really good steppings for what you ask are very old. also you would have to have decent cooling. there are a few of those good cabne 0530 chips for sale in the forums here, i have one for sale in my thread (in sig), but its like $190 so uh, only if you REALLY want that 3ghz and can put a good loop / block / pump to the efforts.
well i have a 148 but i dont think the memory contoler is as good as some 146's its on water also and hit 42c-45c max and can get it anymore stable then 3045 i guess it cool go higher then that on a phase unit but from some charts ive seen there was a few i think on water hitting over 3100-3200 so idk maybe they are bsing everyone. and they are newer steppings. it could be somther things holding me back possibly my mobo but its a DFI UT SLI DR. Expert would be better since u can increase all volts like in tenths
turbolude said:
well i have a 148 but i dont think the memory contoler is as good as some 146's its on water also and hit 42c-45c max and can get it anymore stable then 3045 i guess it cool go higher then that on a phase unit but from some charts ive seen there was a few i think on water hitting over 3100-3200 so idk maybe they are bsing everyone. and they are newer steppings. it could be somther things holding me back possibly my mobo but its a DFI UT SLI DR. Expert would be better since u can increase all volts like in tenths

well, you are being held back by your temps with that kind of load, as the scaling begins to fall off exponentially once you go over 41º basically. a phase unit on that 148 of yours (and both chips i have for sale for that matter) will easily bring them to 3.3 and up, once you can get 1.6v into it.

as for reports of 3100-3200, its real and i have seen and know some of the guys that were doing it last year. but then again they had the good steppings, a really efficient loop and low ambients. so basically a very good set of circumstances. your motherboard is great so dont you worry about it and it could just be luck of the draw. but like i said, if you wanna try your hand at some other processors before you decide to keep your 148 or not, you can try mine out. they both are hand picked from good clockers and i had them specifically to see which of 4 opties would fit best with my system (final OC included, like how fast my ram and how quiet etc)
CACJE is a good stepping for air/water overclocks but the memory controler is cold bugged, i think you need to find a week 603+, my week546 doesnt seem to be having the same kind of luck.
mchlhotrod said:
I am actually selling one in the For Sale/Trade Forum here:
Opteron 146
Will do 3.0+ Ghz with good mobo/cooling, had mine in an Asrock mobo (not very good for overclocking) and a Ninja heatsink and 120mm medium speed fan running 2.75 Ghz with 1.45 volts
don't really want to call you out on this, but are you sure? is 2.75ghz close to the limit in your board with 1.45v?

for reference, my 146 CABNE can do 2.95ghz with 1.45v, but needs ~1.52v with normal opterating tempteratures to get 3ghz stabilized.
(cf)Eclipse said:
don't really want to call you out on this, but are you sure? is 2.75ghz close to the limit in your board with 1.45v?

for reference, my 146 CABNE can do 2.95ghz with 1.45v, but needs ~1.52v with normal opterating tempteratures to get 3ghz stabilized.

hhahahaa yea i wasnt even gonna address that there... :rolleyes:
turbolude said:
running 1.54v daily around 3ghz safe for long term with temps into low 40c?

im doin it right now. was doin it for months before. i mean its overclocking, this is what its about
turbolude said:
yeha just wanted to make sure thanks

heheh yea no problem homes, the only unsafe voltage nowadays is like 1.7 and that kinda crazy stuff, right now i would love to move my machine back into ma room but its been priming for hte better part of a day at 300x10 that same 1.54v and ram at 250mhz 2-2-2 so tomorow morning when im sure its at liek 30-odd hours i will stop it and screenshot it.
yeah my ram is good up to 260 under certain dividers running like 3.6volts and 2,2,2 timmings but u need 2gb's now cause 1gig doesnt cut it in bf2 nowadays now i need to get some gskill pc4000
im using an Asrock DualSata Motherboard and the voltage only goes up to 1.45 on it the highest i got stable was 2.83 and that was also hindered by my power supply
CPU-Z Link to 2.83
I know have an X2 4400 and new power supply along with the vcore mod for the Asrock board and have not tried the 146 with this new configuration but im sure it would do 3+ Ghz and what are you calling me out on?
mchlhotrod said:
im using an Asrock DualSata Motherboard and the voltage only goes up to 1.45 on it the highest i got stable was 2.83 and that was also hindered by my power supply
CPU-Z Link to 2.83
I know have an X2 4400 and new power supply along with the vcore mod for the Asrock board and have not tried the 146 with this new configuration but im sure it would do 3+ Ghz and what are you calling me out on?
saying that a cpu may do a certain mhz in a FS/FT thread when i'm fairly sure it won't :p

turbolude, i usually run at *very* similar settings, basically 24/7 for the last 7 months. been holding up ;)
Ok so you are right it'll do 2.9Ghz max at 1.55 volts. You forced me to change chips and test out the 146 with the new PSU and voltage mod. Still tho 2.9 is damn good out of a 2.0 Ghz stock chip :p BTW i appreciate your guide on overclocking Eclipse, i was away from computers/overclocking for a couple years and when i got back into earlier this year things changed since i last played around with it. With the whole HTT and NB link stuff, and your guide on here made it easier for me to get back into it with a good understanding of what i was doing, Thanks.

EDIT: added CPU-Z link