Opinions on the Logitech MX 1000?

> However, this new mouse has a weird problem where it will make the mouse cursor jump up an inch at random times.

That's a known bug in the base station. You must have traded for an older model. If you move the base station from USB to USB-Through-PS/2-Adapter I think you'll find the problem will disappear.
Sir-Fragalot said:
I wanted to like that mouse. I really did. I definatley felt lag in my games with it. Even if I turned mouse smoothing in games all the way up I could still feel it. I just couldnt' take it. So I quit using it. Ergonomically, as well as its feature set I think its great. I just wish the damn thing didn't lag.

Turning mouse smoothing up in your games only creates more lag in processing time :D Smoothing is only necessary when your mouse tracking is so god awful that you can't stand to look at it. Any reasonably good mouse should need no smoothing. I've been using my MX700 for a couple years now and I love it.
eloj said:
> However, this new mouse has a weird problem where it will make the mouse cursor jump up an inch at random times.

That's a known bug in the base station. You must have traded for an older model. If you move the base station from USB to USB-Through-PS/2-Adapter I think you'll find the problem will disappear.

I didn't trade. I actually bought two mx1000 and both have a rocking problem. The first set had the lag problem, and the second set that I bought a week ago had the jumpy mouse cursor. At no point in time did I bother to mix the two sets together, but I suspect that I would have one working set that would only have the mouse rocking problem, and another set that would have the lag problem and the jumpy mouse cursor. Second, I can't use the PS/2 port because that is connected to my kvm switch which has another mouse on it. The reason why I have another mouse on it is because none of the extra buttons on the mx1000 will work if I let it pass through the kvm switch. This has to do with the fact that the iogear kvm switch I have has a microsoft mouse emulation feature so that I can simultaneously boot up two or more computers without having the computer booting in the background not detect the mouse and keyboard.

All I'm saying is that the only good mouse I got was this mx510, and that is probably because I don't use it much. Everything on it works as it should. Older microsoft mice had quality and compatibility. I never had to install or upgrade those drivers to get the forward/back button to work. They worked through a kvm switch and the scroll button had a nice and soft click. This is also one of the reasons why I passed on the new microsoft mice. The smooth scroll wheel would drive me nuts. But their tilt function on the scroll wheel is better compared to the logitech one. The mx1000 tilt function causes the scroll wheel to wiggle and is too hard to push.
On a slightly different but related mouse, some of you may already know, but anyways.. if you play games; do NOT get the LX 700 Wireless Desktop. I got it last week, and the mouse sucks for gaming... its a great wireless combo for general use, the keyboard is awesome...but that damn mouse, no matter what I did, where I moved the reciever etc... the response was bad... if I move the mouse side to side fast, the mouse moves only halfway across the screen and kinda lags in the middle for a second or two.. ( not good if u need to turn around quick to shoot an enemy)... I also have the Microsoft Desktop Elite ( that I had before the logitch) but I wanted something that had reported further signal distance... Needless to say, I have given my new Logitech system to my sister and went back to my M$ setup... works PERFECT.. I have yet to use a better wireless desktop that performs better
too heavy for fps's IMO...taken back after a 10 minute trial. loved it in windows though. razor all the way!
I like it! I didnt notice the weight, maybe some people need to get some [H]ard Muscle? Anyway this thing is awesome in all the FPS' I play. I have had no problems with it, and I think the prie was pretty good.
Sir-Fragalot said:
Doesn't matter if other people are using wireless mice or not. They are all coded to work only with the specific reciever they were packaged with. More than likely you'd be able to run it problem free.

I don't know how people miss the lag on that mouse. Its definately there.

It definitely isn't there, you had a faulty mouse. The only documented lag problem with the mouse was a slight problem with the first revision of the mouse (long gone by now). Where when you lifted the mouse up off of the pad it would take a split second to start tracking again after putting it down.

I think you should try moving your wireless phone and not microwave your burrito 10 inches from your wireless mouse next time ;) But seriously, there is no lag with the mouse, if you are getting lag you have a faulty driver or a faulty mouse.
Maduag said:
On a slightly different but related mouse, some of you may already know, but anyways.. if you play games; do NOT get the LX 700 Wireless Desktop. I got it last week, and the mouse sucks for gaming... its a great wireless combo for general use, the keyboard is awesome...but that damn mouse, no matter what I did, where I moved the reciever etc... the response was bad... if I move the mouse side to side fast, the mouse moves only halfway across the screen and kinda lags in the middle for a second or two.. ( not good if u need to turn around quick to shoot an enemy)... I also have the Microsoft Desktop Elite ( that I had before the logitch) but I wanted something that had reported further signal distance... Needless to say, I have given my new Logitech system to my sister and went back to my M$ setup... works PERFECT.. I have yet to use a better wireless desktop that performs better

Why post about the LX700 in a discussion thread about the MX1000? You should have purchased the MX3100 wireless desktop. That one comes with the wireless keyboard and a MX1000, very sweet combo, if I could sell my MX1000 for 50$ I would do that and buy the MX31000 in a heartbeat.
When people say it's a heavy mouse, they mean it's heavy compared to other mice... And it's very heavy compared to others. I've been using an MX700 for about 2 and a half years now and yesterday switched to an MX518. I still haven't gotten used to how light the 518 is compared to my 700.
Erasmus354 said:
Why post about the LX700 in a discussion thread about the MX1000? You should have purchased the MX3100 wireless desktop. That one comes with the wireless keyboard and a MX1000, very sweet combo, if I could sell my MX1000 for 50$ I would do that and buy the MX31000 in a heartbeat.
Why must you scrutinze me, i sstarted my reply with referring to it NOT being about mx1000, the reason I posted here was that other ppl were talking about other mice besides mx1000, so plz, flame them.... and I didnt get mx1000 cuz i didnt like the way the mouse felt in my hands...., :mad: :mad:
Sir-Fragalot said:
Doesn't matter if other people are using wireless mice or not. They are all coded to work only with the specific reciever they were packaged with. More than likely you'd be able to run it problem free.
can anyone confirm this? I was ready to go run out and buy a mx510 tommrow but if someone can back up this clam i wont :D
I'm pretty sure it's false. I believe they use "channel negitiation" on power-on (and you can force a new one using the reset buttons on both mouse and base-station).
Rombus said:
can anyone confirm this? I was ready to go run out and buy a mx510 tommrow but if someone can back up this clam i wont :D

They run on different freqency ranges and will autodetect the right one if there are others in the area, same as cordless phones have been doing for years, don't worry about it.
Love mine.....Best mouse ever, beats my 510, 518, mx700.....
I'm an mx900 guy myself....gotta love bluetooth. Can carry it in my lappy bag for a day or two an it works wirelessly from my powerbook or 9300 without having to put the basestation in my bag as well. Internal bluetooth is a requirement for all my laptops now :)
i ended up getting a mx510 anyway, less stuff i need to worry about there.
thanks for the help.
Erasmus354 said:
Why post about the LX700 in a discussion thread about the MX1000? You should have purchased the MX3100 wireless desktop. That one comes with the wireless keyboard and a MX1000, very sweet combo, if I could sell my MX1000 for 50$ I would do that and buy the MX31000 in a heartbeat.
The MX3100 is very sweet indeed. :)
how do you guys charge it? Do you guys just put it in over night? I would do that but i'm afraid of it overchargin it, should I worry?
Yea the MX 1000 came with rechargable battery and you put it on the holster and it will charge the battery.
Sky15 said:
Yea the MX 1000 came with rechargable battery and you put it on the holster and it will charge the battery.
way to TOTALLY Miss the guys question :D

It seems to me that its pretty smart, and i dont think it will overcharge.

i tend to only charge it if nessicary (not 3 bars) Closest ive gotten to it being dead was one red square, one of my friends got it to flashing red square before charging it once :D