Opinions on the Logitech MX 1000?


Nov 16, 2004
I just purchased the mouse, should be here tomorrow. I'm just wondering - for the people here who use/have one - what you think of it?
Excellent mouse. I use it with a func 1030 mouse pad and love it. Battery life is good, lasts quite awhile between charges and I don't experience any sort of lag with games. Good luck and eenjoy.
I was using for about a month. Loved the feel, but a little on the heavy side. I ended up trading it for a MX518 only because I like the lighter feel of the 518.
20Valver said:
I was using for about a month. Loved the feel, but a little on the heavy side. I ended up trading it for a MX518 only because I like the lighter feel of the 518.

I keep hearing that it's too heavy. I don't understand, how much does the thing way, a few ounces? That can't be THAT bad. Right now, I'm using a MX 700, and it's wieght doesn't bother me at all, it doesn't impede my movements in the least bit.
I love it. It's not heavy. Has a perfect feel. Extremely accurate, and works great in BF2.
Ive got a mx700, mx510 and mx1000, All are great mice but the mx1000 is deffinately my favorite. I have no lag or tracking problems with it at all and you should see how buff it made my arms!
I like the added "weight" the MX1000 has. I've had mine for about 8 months and I love it. I've never had any tracking problems in games and I love not having a wire getting in the way of everything.
i love everything about the mouse. its been maybe a week since the last time i charged it and i probably still won't have to charge it for a few day. it is not very heavy. it is extremely accurate and it has a great shape with lots of convienently placed buttons. great mouse, i would have anything else
I switched to the MX1000 a while ago, when I started teaching myself Photoshop and found my Fellowes Mini Web Pro optical mouse couldn't cut the mustard-- it would cut the cheese instead ;)

I'm very impressed with the MX1000, it's got a great feel to it and it is very accurate. However, it's the only mouse I've ever heard of to boast an $80 price tag, so I would make sure that you either (a) have the $$$ to throw around or (b) really need the thing. It's also a little hungry on the power... my cell phone actually uses less (it's a Sony Ericsson T226 from Cingular, if you care) The only other minus that I have is that Logitech's programmers had a brain fart when they wrote the mouse drivers... the MX1000 has Forward/Back buttons right on it, but they don't work in Firefox. The old Fellowes mouse used XP generic drivers and its built-in Forward/Back buttons had no problems with Firefox whatsoever.
20Valver said:
I was using for about a month. Loved the feel, but a little on the heavy side. I ended up trading it for a MX518 only because I like the lighter feel of the 518.

I think some of the logitechs have weights in them or at least some wired ones. I saw a review where they opened one up.
That's the Li-ion battery. It's the size of a brick... the laser apparently is a bit power hungry.
I love my mx1000, the added weight simply makes the mouse feel more accurate to me. On any decent mousing surface (I use the fUnc1030 EXCELLENT purchase, worth every cent) and the mouse simply glides effortlessly. I hate going back to light and "flimsy" mice now that I am used to the wonderful mx1000.

A few notes to starhawk : I saw the mx1000 in bestbuy yesterday for 49.99, and even if it uses a lot of battery power the mouse runs 2 weeks of normal use on one charge easy, a week of heavier use. I do not have an issue at all with the battery life.

Bottom line, I love this mouse. I do find it annoying though that the forward/back buttons dont work in firefox and only in IE.
I also love my MX1000. I get about 20 days of full use on a full charge, and it's comfortable and it feels really solid and well made. People complain that it's too heavy... but I don't know what they're doing with it... must be bludgening people or something, because I tend to leave it sitting on the mouse pad :rolleyes:
I love my MX1000, it has gotten to the point that all the others just feel to light. And not having to f around with the cord is really nice
does it have to fully charge before you use it? like if you only charge it a bit before you start using it is it bad for the battery? i ask because i bought one for my computer at school (i'm at home atm) and i wouldn't want to mess up my brand new toy
Concerning the fUnc 1030, I've heard that the Ratpadz GS is just as good, and it's cheaper.
just as good maybe for the first week, then they tend to wear. I had the 1030 and the RP both and the func pad was mucho better. I game now on their f30 series pad.

I also had the mx1000 and thought too that it was very heavy. I game with their 518/510 series mice.
how is it to heavy? geez, is everyone a 90pound girl? :)

Its a excellent mouse, accuracy and feel all there.
Yeah, I'm not understanding the heavy part, it's MOUSE for crying out loud, not a 300 pound man baby.
Awesome mouse, I like the weight. It makes it feel 'real' and not so plastic.

The difference is only a sinking rechargable battery, its not like a ball of lead.
Erasmus354 said:
A few notes to starhawk : I saw the mx1000 in bestbuy yesterday for 49.99, and even if it uses a lot of battery power the mouse runs 2 weeks of normal use on one charge easy, a week of heavier use. I do not have an issue at all with the battery life.
>.< AAAAAAAAAAAAHRGH!! I knew I shouldn't have gotten the thing at Staples... I don't have trouble with the batt either-- I just place it in its cradle every night when I go to bed :D
Jeremiah said:
Yeah, I'm not understanding the heavy part, it's MOUSE for crying out loud, not a 300 pound man baby.

The Fellowes Mini Web Pro weighs about the same as an unusually long example of my mother's legal motions (5 pages, including Certificate of Service) in a Tyvek envelope (stamped, etc.)... about 6oz.

The MX1000 weighs at least a pound and a half... and I'd wager 2lbs+.

@Kristo: not everyone. I'm a 210+lb. male.
Dome said:
does it have to fully charge before you use it? like if you only charge it a bit before you start using it is it bad for the battery? i ask because i bought one for my computer at school (i'm at home atm) and i wouldn't want to mess up my brand new toy

You have to fully charge it before you use it first...

After that, its up to you. A 20 minute charge will last about 30 hours.
I had to RMA my first one because it was lagging all over the place but after that it's fine. One charge goes a long way and a full charge takes less than a hour.
I wanted to like that mouse. I really did. I definatley felt lag in my games with it. Even if I turned mouse smoothing in games all the way up I could still feel it. I just couldnt' take it. So I quit using it. Ergonomically, as well as its feature set I think its great. I just wish the damn thing didn't lag.
Sir-Fragalot said:
I wanted to like that mouse. I really did. I definatley felt lag in my games with it. Even if I turned mouse smoothing in games all the way up I could still feel it. I just couldnt' take it. So I quit using it. Ergonomically, as well as its feature set I think its great. I just wish the damn thing didn't lag.

Wow, well, it's rare to hear this, as I've heard the mouse has no lag at all.
starhawk said:
>.< AAAAAAAAAAAAHRGH!! I knew I shouldn't have gotten the thing at Staples... I don't have trouble with the batt either-- I just place it in its cradle every night when I go to bed :D

hehehe, i just got mine about 2 weeks ago now.. shoulda checked staples then. as am employee there i get to know when shit goes on sale. picked up my mx1000 for 59.99 with a 20$ staples rebate makin it 39.99. pratically stole it for that price. BUT i do hate its lag time in counterstrike. even tried installing new drivers and used the 'game detection' feature. no use. gotta switch back to my old logitech optical for counterstrike, kicks ass for everything else tho with 0 lag time except in cs :(
Apathy said:
hehehe, i just got mine about 2 weeks ago now.. shoulda checked staples then. as am employee there i get to know when shit goes on sale. picked up my mx1000 for 59.99 with a 20$ staples rebate makin it 39.99. pratically stole it for that price. BUT i do hate its lag time in counterstrike. even tried installing new drivers and used the 'game detection' feature. no use. gotta switch back to my old logitech optical for counterstrike, kicks ass for everything else tho with 0 lag time except in cs :(

Have you tried moving the rechargable base back a little bit? There should be some distance between the mouse and the base for optimal performance.
Had two of them. The first MX1000 suffered from two problems. One of them was the lag problem, which some people say it doesn't matter. The other problem was the fact that the mouse was not flat and would rock.

Second mouse had the same problem with the mouse not being flat. It still rocks back and forth on a hard mouse pad. And the lag problem is gone, which makes me believe that if there is a lag problem, then it should have been fixed. However, this new mouse has a weird problem where it will make the mouse cursor jump up an inch at random times. This doesn't happen often, but it appears every few minutes of use.

I guess you can say I'm a bit picky, but none of those problems happened with an older mx700. My grip with the mx700 was that the charger didn't always make contact and had to fiddle around with it all the time to get the mouse to start charging. The other problem was that all the surfaces that I touched were starting to get worn down. The paint was coming off which I've never had that problem with a microsoft mouse. IMO, logitech hasn't gotten a mouse completely right for me yet...
I have the func 1030 mouse pad and the mx1000 mouse but I don't know... I really don't like the way it makes that sound when I move the mouse around. I've been used to the noiseless smooth sound with my old mouse.
Anyone else have this problem? What side do you guys use for the func 1030
Jeremiah said:
Wow, well, it's rare to hear this, as I've heard the mouse has no lag at all.

Well I've tried two of them with all the versions of the driver since the thing came out on both PS/2 and USB connections and with the mouse smoothing in my games at maximum (BTW I don't like doing that.) I still noticed the lag no matter what. It was ok for RTS games, but I couldn't deal with it for FPS games. I eventually had to disconnect it from my machine and I sold it off.

Now I've changed motherboards and OS's since then, so I don't know how well it would work now, plus I wouldn't mind having one at my place of work as its a great mouse for everything but games.

Jeremiah said:
Yeah, I'm not understanding the heavy part, it's MOUSE for crying out loud, not a 300 pound man baby.

I don't get this either. If its weight is sufficient to crush small woodland creatures then its a sign of quality as far as I am concerned.

On a serious note, while I can feel the weight of the mouse vs. other mice its not a big deal. I've never had any adverse affects on my arms or in my hand from using mice of different weights. I've never even really noticed unless I use a light mouse and a heavy one side by side. In fact I prefer the weight. I'd like to take the weights out of my MX500 and install them in my MX518.

What the hell people? Do your arms get sore after using a "heavy" mouse for more than 3 hours? If so that's a sign that you should get out of your chair and hit the gym. :D
If you want the forward / back buttons to work in Firefox go into the logitech config program and change the side buttons to "generic mouse button"
BladeMrk said:
If you want the forward / back buttons to work in Firefox go into the logitech config program and change the side buttons to "generic mouse button"

hmmm... I cant seem to find that option anywhere.

EDIT: NM! found it
Well, from the handfull of people saying it has lag, I've heard MANY more say it has none at all. So I'm thinking you guys have a faulty mouse...
i LOVE my MX1k, no lag, i run it with teflon tape and a func 1030, Best mouse Ever. im very sad though that i cant take it to quakecon since im sure i wouldnet be the only person using a wireles mouse. Sometime this week im pikcing up a MX510 or MX518
Rombus said:
i LOVE my MX1k, no lag, i run it with teflon tape and a func 1030, Best mouse Ever. im very sad though that i cant take it to quakecon since im sure i wouldnet be the only person using a wireles mouse. Sometime this week im pikcing up a MX510 or MX518

Doesn't matter if other people are using wireless mice or not. They are all coded to work only with the specific reciever they were packaged with. More than likely you'd be able to run it problem free.

I don't know how people miss the lag on that mouse. Its definately there.
I have the MX1000 as well, and its a nice mouse. I don't find it too heavy for gaming, I actually find it to be almost the perfect solution. The reason as to why I say almost is the "jumpiness" I experience from time to time. Apparently, it has to do with the placement of the cradle for the mouse, you have to have it x amount of inches away from interfering sources (monitor, TV, etc.). I like the amount of buttons the mouse has, I can basically control my computer just using the mouse. Comfort is very nice as well, the mouse contours my hand perfectly, I can play most any game for hours on end without having any trouble in my right hand.

This was a perfect replacement for my old n' busted Microsoft Intellimouse 1.0.