Opinions on Elite Warriors:Vietnam

Hom@R said:
I thought the screen shots for the game looked pretty sweet, but gamespot.com gave it a mediocore score:


Has anybody played this game yet, I am looking for some opinions before I drop $30 on it.



I would be interested in this game as a LAN/CTF game, not really concerned about the single player at all.

We are more or less concerned with the MP side of things. The graphics look ok. We are mainly concerned with CTF for lans. LOL
Well, that big 5.0 on the review would be my first strike against it.
Maybe it's just me, but I'd be a little concerned about buying a war game made by a company that also makes a game called "John Deere: American Farmer".
LOL... Good call. LOL.. ^^

I'll download the demo tonight and see what this bad boy is all about.
So I gather from the feedback, this game will probably blow. :p