Opinion of database design requested


Nov 18, 2004
I'm trying to create a simple database that keeps track of when members of my school organization pay for their membership as well as their contact info. The options for membership are as follows:

If paid in the fall semester

$25 per member without senior status; $40 for two semesters
$15 per member with senior status: $25 for two semesters
$50 per member if paid after September 25

If paid in the spring semester

$25 per member without senior status
$15 per member with senior status
$50 per member if paid after February 5

As far as I can tell, I only need two tables, which are as follows (Z ID's are unique identifiers given to each student upon enrollment at our college):

Contact Information
(Z ID, Last Name, First Name, Address, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code, Email Address)

Membership Status
(Payment ID, Z ID, Semester Paid, Expiration Date, Type of Payment, Payment Amount)

So, for example, if a student has enrolled in our organization this spring his records in the tables would look like:

(Z123456, Smith, Jon, 1212 Campus Ln, Apt 2, DeKalb, IL, 60115, [email protected])

(1, Z123456, Spring 2010, Spring 2010, Check, $25)

Before I enter all the data, does this look like a feasible design? Thanks in advance.