Operation Flashpoint runs like hell >_<


Mar 25, 2005
Please help!

Just installed Op Flashpoint GOTY on my pc for the first time since my upgrade and frankly it runs like hell.

Now it ran fine on my old sys,(athlon XP 2800+, 1 gig pc3200 ddr, Asus nforce2 mobo, Audigy 2 and Radeon 9800pro), at 1920x1200 with 4x AA 16xAF. Ran like butter. Silky smooth, rarely deviating from 60fps. But now with my shiny new pc (see sig) it runs like crap. Choppy as hell. The title screen runs at 12-20fps and in game about 22-30fps. I'm running on a fresh install of XP, with all updates to both the OS and the game, using a backup of the games config files so everything is the same, but it runs so bad. :(

I tried setting affinity to either of the cpus and that did nothing. So now i'm stumped.

Oh and btw, my cpu is @2520, and my gfx card is at stock speeds. I also tried lowering the settings in game which helped, but i dont really want to play at a lower spec than my old pc.

Can anyone help?
Ahh the joys of running cutting-edge video cards and their drivers. :D I don't have any advice for you other than to check out the ATI forums and/or the Flashpoint forums. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a driver issue with that video card on that game. But I digress...
Could be, i checked the other forums before trying here to no avail. Thats the only problem with playing older games. After a while they aren't supported anymore and you run into situations such as mine, or they simply dont work at all. Especially with re-re-released games.

A friend of mine bought one of those 10 games for £5 game collections and couldn't get any of them to work. Had Stuff like Terminator, terminator Future Shock, Carmageddon, i forget the rest. Worth the cost if you can get em running on newer hardware. Waste of money if you cant. I could only get carmageddon running for them. I'm not good when it comes to anything Dos related.
It runs poorly on my comp too. Terrain detail and visibility range have the most profound effect on performance. Terrain detail should be set to medium (normal?) or maybe high. Can't remember what visibility should be set to, but I remember cranking the visibility up so high my comp ran too slowly to adjust it back. I had to reinstall the game because of this.
I havemine on high terrain detail (otherwise i get an 'out of memory' crash), and view distance of about 2000, which is a bit poo.

I was soooo expecting performance to be so much better. Wanted to crank everything up and enjoy the view, but sadly not the case.

not to worry. You know what they say. GFX do not make a game.

Mind you, to be honest this game always looked like s**t even BEFORE it was released. J/K, i love the art style of this game. It has a certain something that appeals to me. Similar to those old Atari ST/ Amiga 3D games that had about 20 polygons per scene but were so great, such as Driller, Castle Master, and Armour Geddon. Something about simplistic 3D gfx that makes a world more realistic to me. Wierd huh?
Dual core problems? Tried setting it to a single core? How about running in some sort of compatability mode?
Tried it first without the old config file and still had the same problem. Only used the old config
because it was a pain remapping keys when the framerate was so bad.

Not to worry though. Got it working at at a solid 30fps now after turning down the draw distance a touch and setting the landscape to medium. Still great fun
I have been waiting for the Invasion 44 mod for OFP for some time. However, based upon the fact that their forums got defaced on the 5th and they haven't done anything about it, I'd say their activity level is around nil. A shame too. Their work looked to make OFP a thing of beauty.