I am having some problems with my OpenVPN configuration, and was looking for some guidance.
For reference, much of my work followed along with this YouTube video:
I created an account on No-IP to translate a URL into my current assigned IP address. Then I worked through the steps in the video creating a CA cert, a server cert, a few client certs for machines/mobile (and signed with CA cert), the diffie-helman pem. I've loaded the Base64 contents of those files into DD-WRT in the OpenVPN section, and saved the changes. I added the "iptables" line mentioned in the video as well to DD-WRT (which is also in the video description section), and finally bounced the router.
After creating the client .ovpn configuration file, I was able to use the client cert/key + CA cert in OpenVPN's client to establish a VPN connection. Running ipconfig I see an IP address on my local network, and the subnet mask is correct. I am able to browse public webpages, but that is about as far as things go.
I can share additional information on my setup as needed. TIA for any suggestions!
What I've done so far
I am running DD-WRT v3.0-r44715 which I flashed on a router. (As of writing, that is the most recent build of DD-WRT that is available.) I wanted to setup a VPN connection into my home network and took a shot at using OpenVPN, since that is an out-of-box option.For reference, much of my work followed along with this YouTube video:
I created an account on No-IP to translate a URL into my current assigned IP address. Then I worked through the steps in the video creating a CA cert, a server cert, a few client certs for machines/mobile (and signed with CA cert), the diffie-helman pem. I've loaded the Base64 contents of those files into DD-WRT in the OpenVPN section, and saved the changes. I added the "iptables" line mentioned in the video as well to DD-WRT (which is also in the video description section), and finally bounced the router.
After creating the client .ovpn configuration file, I was able to use the client cert/key + CA cert in OpenVPN's client to establish a VPN connection. Running ipconfig I see an IP address on my local network, and the subnet mask is correct. I am able to browse public webpages, but that is about as far as things go.
Where I am stuck
I cannot access internal URLs, such as Plex, and cannot access network file shares on my NAS (a 2-bay QNAP box).I can share additional information on my setup as needed. TIA for any suggestions!