Online gaming never works....


Nov 9, 2005
Not really sure where this post goes.....But anyways........So I have this very strange problem, My internet works fine, but none of my games will run online. I've tried Doom3, LOTR battle for middle earth, Red Alert 2, and even starcraft. Im running off a cable connection, what the hell is going on here?

The specs of pc are in my sig.
I don't really think it has to do anything with your computer in general.

Have you checked the settings on the cable modem? If you are running a router, check the virtual server settings on it to allow which ports to be open to run your games.
Yes im running a router. I don't know what's up with it, It was working the last time i checked a couple of weeks ago. But as of yesterday and today, it won't work. :confused:
Billiam411 said:
make sure your firewall is letting all your games access the internet.

Damn windows set its firewall on high, I turned the windows firewall off and now it works! Thanks a lot!