One Minute Time Machine

That was a good one. :) How am I ever going to get a boner after I know what I know....
It was pretty funny. He is also funny in the original NCIS.
Not bad.....Although the dying part is still just a theory, I reason against it, like why can't there just be parallel universe that we all have co-existing copies of ourselves in, I mean isn't that what a parallel universe is?
I like how his chances of successfully going out with the girl are 1 in 2^16 or 1:65536.
put a smile on my face :D Way better than the Nicolas Cage movie Next. Now he needs to find a way to miniaturize it, because that's just too bulky to take into a casino.
Time travel blasphemy. All time travel must use a blue box or a delorean. everything else is false.

Nice piece though =)