one card or two?


Sep 29, 2006
I have about $300 budget for a new vidcard, and am a bit confused...

7950gt XFX, sounds like a great card, a bit expensive, but silent right? Later buy a seocnd and SLI them...

or would two $150 cards(7600GS?) SLI'ed be better?

I'm trying to find becnhmarks, but not much luck...

Also I'm a bit confused by HDCP, is it good or bad? Should I avoid or look for it?

Thank you in advance...

i think the fastest card in that range is the X1900XT. if you need nvidia i am not sure.
I have the same question as you, but from what i have found is that 2 7600's in sli are going to be slightly faster or right on par with a 7950.....having been teetering on the fence for some time now i am finally making up my mind to wait for the newest dx 10 cards to come out and will go that route (privided i can afford the new cards :D )
Two 7600GTs in SLI will out preform a 7900GT. I don't know if they will out preform a 7950GT... For some reason I doubt it.
More of a "pay more now or pay even more later" kinda deal, imho. If you have a game/app for which a 79xx series just won't cut it, then I'd say yeah, start looking at SLI solutions. Alternately, if you can cope with a single card solution for now, you can just drop that in your box and when an app does hit that would make SLI worthwhile, drop the matching card in then. Basically if your plan is to eventually migrate to a 79xx SLI solution, I'd say your better bet is getting one of the cards so that you're just adding in one more card at that point, not replacing two.

Vaguely akin to RAM purchases in that respect. Should you go with two one gig stick or one two gig stick on two slot board? Just depends upon whether you're planning on taking her up to four gigs eventually. :)
High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection. HDCP is only needed if you want to watch HD movies at FULL RESOLUTION (1080p, 720p). If your components arent HDCP compliant, then it will "down rez" it to 480p, which is standard DVD quality. I dont know about you, but standard DVD quality is fine for me, since I only have a 20" monitor, lol.
legendz411 said:
Two 7600GTs in SLI will out preform a 7900GT. I don't know if they will out preform a 7950GT... For some reason I doubt it.

7600's run out of gas pretty quick with only a 128 bit interface.
I also wanted a silent card and eyed the XFX 7950GT for awhile but I went with the silent 7600GT instead. It's more than enough to drive my 1440x900 monitor. Will I SLI it? I doubt it. I plan to get a larger monitor eventually, and by then you'll have even more powerful silent cards to choose from.

My point is that the higher up with video cards, you go the harder you fall. So, be honest with yourself, identify your needs, and if you can get away with cheaper card, that's more cash you'll have in hand for the next upgrade.

I still remember paying like $250 for my Voodoo 1. :rolleyes:
Well I decided on the eVGA's 9700 GTO. No its not silent, but it seems like it will outperform the xfx 9750 and is about $70 cheeper. $70 I can put towards a watercooling kit I guess.

Since the card is cheap now, I assume the price will continue to drop and hopefully I can pick up a second one early next year.

Thank you all for your help.

Honestly I would get a 1900xt and call it a day... :)