Omega 4.2's give better performance than ones from ATi?


Limp Gawd
Feb 4, 2004
I've been reading a lot of posts talking about Omega 4.2 drivers. I understand that it's much flexible in terms of overclocking but will i see any difference by just uninstalling the ATi cats and installing the Omega ones?
yes you will but do note that on some ati cards its better, sometimes its on par with the regular cats, and sometimes the regular cats are better. you should see for yourself and look if there is a performance increase in actual gaming
Having tried the Omega & DNA drivers, I must say the only ones that work okay for me are the CATALYST.

SmartGart nackers itself up everytime I use the Omega or DNA drivers. SmartGart from Desktop/Settings/Advanced always show the Fast Writes as off, yet running smartgart /g from the run box on the Start menu shows it to be on?

However, once u run the smartgart from the run command & restart the PC, u loose the Smartgat TAB in the Advanced settings!?!?!?

Totally nuts eh!

Maybe the Hercules 9800XT is the problem, but thats the crap I see anyways! :(
I am aware the Omegas Force the Fast writes OFF, but why the hell should smartgart /g from the run Menu Blitz the TAB in Advanced settings?

Thats bs ffs & beside that, I want to be able to decide if I want to disable the fast writes meself. The card & mobo can handle these commands because they are there by default under the CATS.