Omega (4.12b) out


Oct 6, 2004
Sorry, if this is a double post, cant search - I get database error.

The new drivers can be downloaded from They are based on the Catalsyt 4.12b, but after you install it the driver version might still say 4.11. Omegadrive has posted a few pointers:

1. The 4.11 tag is only showing for people who selected FW off during installation, it is a TYPO, sorry, just ignore it.
2. I disabled WMV (Windows Media Video) acceleration by default because some laptops and some low end cards doesn't support this feature correctly, but I left the user the choice to turn it on.
3. Remember these are based on the beta 4.12 drivers from ATI, some of the bugs on that release may show up in my drivers too.
4. The drivers should support ALL cards that where supported on last release since I haven't changed/removed/added any more cards or the values needed for the drivers to recognize them.
5. I will do a quick update of the drivers if the Radlinker issues are too much, but right now seems only a few had problems with the new version, I'll have to speak with ChrisW about it.

My Benchmarks

Doom 3
Ultra Q
Vsync OFF
AA 4x
Everthing else Enabled
FPS: 51.3
Cat 4.12b: 47.7

Half-Life 2 , NEED HL2 demo files
apparently after the steam update, we cant bench any of those demo files anymore !!
Can Kyle, Brent or if Terry is still here, provide us with a few demo files. I can make my own, but its better to use ones that everybody else can also use - for comparison. Also, then we can compare our benchies to editorial ones.

Cat 4.12b: 5634

The obvious has eluded him...

We need older driver scores to compare to... :eek:

Edit: Unless of course it's just a bunch of bug fixes...
i installed it on my PC and when i boot i get that "new device found" and when i look in my properties its my video card, how can i fix it? other then that, everything is fine, gonna run AquaMark and will compare to my old scores.
These drivers don't save my 3D Game Gamma. Really annoying. I do, however, like the options, but i'm really annoyed with ati's gamma issues.
my fps in doom3 is up by a small amount and my 3dmark05 score is down by a small amount when compared to the dna drivers