Older computer hanging


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2007
I have about a 5 year old amdXP 3200 with 2gb ram on a N-force 4 MOBO. Im getting these hangs that last about 2-5 seconds while doing things, mainly while browsing. It did it on XP and its also doing it on a fresh install of 7.

I do have a dead fan on the mobo, im not sure what its cooling but it is a chip. Bios maybe? It does get hot but its been like that for 3 years. Any common probs that this could cause so i know where to start?
The Nforce chipset on your mobo do run hot. It must be the fan on your mobos northbridge heatsink that's not working. You should replace the fan on that heatsink or, have a fan mounted on the side of your case to blow air on that northbridge chip to cool down.
Point a desk fan at it and see if that fixes your problem. If not, then the chipset fan isn't your problem.

system specs?

I'm guessing its probably your HDD.