Okay my period key is no longer


Oct 19, 2002
I was trying all these crazy ways to get my windows key to stop responding and I think I killed my period key, it doesn't work at all

Anyone have an idea how to get it back?
Can you go into what the problem was, what you tried to fix it, and what happened?
Um, hope this isn't a stupid question... but I'm assuming you have tried a different keyboard.. you know.. just for fun?....or are you thinking you somehow managed to make your OS unable to recognize the period key on a software level?
Let me clarify it for you...
What the problem was: Why did the key stop working? What were you doing when it happened?

What have you tried to fix it? Pretty self-explanitory "I was trying all these crazy was"... What ways did you try?

I was trying all these crazy ways to get my windows key to stop responding
Don't you want your windows key to work????

Right now all I know is you wanted your Windows key to stop responding and that in the process (which isn't described) you screwed your period key over.
Yeah, I used some program (I forgot the name) and it messed it all up, I tried to use that program to fix it, but it didn't fix anything

I just want to know how to get my period back :)
Well, I still have no more information than you gave in the first place.

I think there is something you aren't telling me. I see this too often- somebody embarrased by something they did, and they don't fess up to it. It makes things so much harder than they need to be.

All I can tell you is stick your XP CD in your drive, and do a Start- Run, and type in "sfc /scannow" without the quotes. This will replace all Windows files that aren't as they should be.
Well, I'm trying to say everything, some keyboard binding program I installed and tried to overwrite my windows key with NOTHING and make it not work, but in process my period key died

I think what happened is the program had the scancode for my windows key wrong and that scancode actually bound to my period key
Why would you want to disable your Windows key? Just curious.

I would run sfc /scannow and see if it works. Otherwise, you might end up having to do a System Restore.
Ah, system restore! That would work yes indeed that would work, I didn't do to much installing lately, if I do a sfc /scannow would it replace my custom themes?

I want the windows key out cause I hate hitting it when I'm in a game and cause I don't need the start menu for anything

Is there a place I could go into my registry to check for my period getting messed with
Ah, system restore! That would work yes indeed that would work, I didn't do to much installing lately, if I do a sfc /scannow would it replace my custom themes?

Depends how they are applied. Is it like a "Transformation Pack"? Those generally modify system files and will be overwritten.

If it is a .theme file (like all the built-in Windows themes), it may reset it, but you can re-apply it.
Nobody knows of a program that I can scan in a scancode and remap my keys? Primarily I'm worried about my period key, but later I'd actually like to disable the windows key

I REMEMBER the program name: KeyTweak
It has the wrong scancodes for my keyboard so it messed something up dirty
Went and downloaded the windows remapper and the keyboard doesn't even show a period on it anymore
I got some old keyboards at work that don't have a windows key ... email me 50 bucks and I'll email you the keyboard back ..

Just a stupid off topic question... Ignoe it if your not interested...

How do you email money? :D
Instead of trying disable it through the OS with some software hack program, why not try it this way.

Yank the windows key off the keyboard altogether. Cut a small piece of flat thick cardboard, lay it over the key, and tape it down flat. Repeat this procedure
backwards to restore the key.

Problem solved. :D
msny, thanks for the laugh, but clearly my intention is not to make my laptop make me look like I'm homeless.
Just a stupid off topic question... Ignoe it if your not interested...

How do you email money? :D
PayPal? I mean, you kinda e-mail money that way, paypal works off of e-mail addresses, you essentially receive money through it. Why did you ask this in my thread?
I got some old keyboards at work that don't have a windows key ... email me 50 bucks and I'll email you the keyboard back ..


I was asking becouse of this post. I want sure what he was trying to say.
ah, I see. well it's odd that he said he'd e-mail the keyboards back, that's not very possible given current technology.

Anyways, I don't want to physically remove the key as much as I want to have it not respond, I want it to do nothing, maybe mapped to another key.