OK to Connect Reset SW to Power SW on MB??

Nov 3, 2006
Just wondering...

I have an old case lying around that has a snipped power connector.

I am (re)building an HTPC and have a Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H. In attempting to save $ on the case, I wanted to use the one with the snipped power connector and I connected the reset switch connector to the power switch pins on the motherboard (so that I could just press the reset switch and have it turn on the computer, in theory).

The new build powers on, no POST beep and no display when connected either through on board video or through PCIE video card. All fans spin, drives are on, CPU fan is on, CPU has power, but no display & no POST...

I've tested the power supply, RAM, CPU, video card, all in another build and all work fine.

Could this be due to the reset Switch connector being used rather than the power switch, or is this just a DOA mobo?

(and for those interested, the power switch was snipped a long time ago and I don't have the other half so that's why I haven't just reconnected the snipped wires yet).
Reset and power switches are identical internally. Both are standard momentary switches, and they are completely reversible. That's not the problem here.
Yes, just tried clearing CMOS. No change.

Strange.. I've had dead MoBos before but not like this... Usually it's just DOA... this powers on and every sign is there that it's working (all fans, peripherals work, CPU gets hot, CPU fan on, PCIE cards all powered... but no POST, no display.... i guess just RMA but I feel like I'm missing something bc of the weird symptoms.
we had a build at work the other day that did the same thing but booted fine when we switched to the other sata port for the hdd. manual had no mention of this and there was no onboard raid. we hooked up another drive to the "bad" sata port and it worked just fine. the mother board would just not boot with only 1 hdd in the "bad" port :confused: