Ok so what's the big difference?


Dec 7, 2005
Alright first build and I'm short on money. Their is three processor's that look pretty nice.

1. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103539
2. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103533
3. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103572

The second and third one have 512mb L2 cache and the first has 1mb L2 cache. Of course the 3700+ is the most expensive. Is 1mb L2 and $212 really worth it. This is more of a gaming/muli-tasking computer. BF2, Flight Simulator 2004, and SWAT4 stuff like that. Then stuff for school like word and excel and crap. What do you guys think? Let me know if this has been asked before.
okay, the 3200 venice and 3500 the only variance is 200mhz clockspeed.
You can probably squeeze that out with an easy OC.
I bet the 3200 (stock 2.0) will hit 2.4 easily.

that said, the Opteron 144 chip can be had for less than $135 shipped and it will do the same. http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1032042
You will need to add the cost of a HSF though, so figure in another $35-40.
or buy the opteron144 retail from newegg for $170 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103600
I'd probably get the one from newegg unless you find a good deal on a stock opteron or X2 heatsink. the heatsinks included are supposed to be really good for opterons and x2s.

The Opteron 144 and San Diego 3700+ will probably OC to the same level. around 2.5ghz, maybe more if you're lucky.
So, I would narrow it to those two. Next, the 3700+ has the 1mb cache, and while many say it helps in games, it's not really solid. Erm, there's not an astounding difference.
The price difference would be about $40 in the end.

If you're that short on cash, I'd get the opteron.

Let me rephrase then, is 1.8 ghz enough to run current games effectively or does it absolutely have to be overclocked? I'm well aware of the increased L2 cache from the athlon xp to a 1 meg opty, lower voltage and its just plain faster.
baldrik said:
lollerpops he thinks a 1.8 opty isnt that big of a jump over a 1.4 athlon
well he is still in this thread, so instead of talking to everyone else except him "he thinks..." why don't you try to help the guy?
go with the opteron. They're both built on 90nm process, and although the 3200+ comes at 2.0 stock, both cpus are hitting the same average overclocks. the opteron should come with a better heatpipe HSF, and has 1MB cache. it's only $4 more. that's um... what, 2% of the cost?
a 1.4 Athlon XP would be what, a 1800+ rating? you should notice a significant difference in performance. I came from a Barton 2500+ athlonXP which was overclocked, to an Athlon64 3700+ and I noticed good difference.

Then I realized I could afford another $100 to get a dual-core. so I sold the 3700+ on the forums here.

Do you have anything against overclocking? you know what forums these are, right?
so what's wrong with getting the most for your $$$??
ElvishBoy311 said:

Let me rephrase then, is 1.8 ghz enough to run current games effectively or does it absolutely have to be overclocked? I'm well aware of the increased L2 cache from the athlon xp to a 1 meg opty, lower voltage and its just plain faster.

ppl get them TO overclock them. It'll probably play most games fine as long as you dont set physics to maximum. But i got mine to overclock and my board is stopping me @ 2.68ghz @ stock volts, and i KNOW this chip has so much more in it.
Thanks guys, exactly the info I wanted. Gonna get the opty 144 to hold me over till I can afford something dual core :D
ElvishBoy311 said:

Let me rephrase then, is 1.8 ghz enough to run current games effectively or does it absolutely have to be overclocked? I'm well aware of the increased L2 cache from the athlon xp to a 1 meg opty, lower voltage and its just plain faster.

Overclocking is strongly recommended as it is both easy and effective. On any current AMD system, I would advise having a clockspeed of at least 2.4GHz for maximum performance. From 2.4GHz onwards, the performance gains are minimal compared to clockspeed and voltage increases. Of course, if your CPU can do more than 2.4GHz with little/no extra effort, kudos to you.

So, I would say yes, you need to overclock. But, especially on an Opteron, it is far too easy for you to let that minor detail stop you. Get the Opteron 144, and we can walk you through the rest. :)
Able4 said:
The second and third one have 512mb L2 cache and the first has 1mb L2 cache..

The second and third one have 512kb L2 cache and the first has 1mb L2 cache
all fixed,
if your short on cash go for the 3200. depending on your stepping and luck of the draw, you could 2.5 on air with the stock heatsink
I've hit 2.9 stable on my 3700+.

Although when I was first building my PC I probably would've gotten an Opteron had I known their affordability/OCing capabilities. I don't like to OC personally...and the 2.2 ghz on this CPU doesn't lag a bit for me.
Ok so i've narrowed it down to either and 3200+ or and opteron. Would I need a special board to run opteron. I'm getting the abit 32x sli motherboard. http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16813127232 .
I guess i'll try overclocking a little if someone could just walk me through it or something like that. Remember this is first build so I can't do anything to complicated.
no you wouldn't need special anything

they are the same chip same pins everything

why not read the forums and learn a little before just asking

sorry but seems lazy way to learn then when something doesn't work you will blaim those idiots on that forum that told you wrong.
stealthy123 said:
no you wouldn't need special anything

they are the same chip same pins everything

why not read the forums and learn a little before just asking

sorry but seems lazy way to learn then when something doesn't work you will blaim those idiots on that forum that told you wrong.
Yeah I get what you mean. Well I just meant by like on newegg their a choice of cpu type, like duron and sempron so I thought opteron might have been different. But then again if it was different then they would have put that as a choice. :p

Also I get how some people blame people on here when stuff doesn't work. But i'm not that sortof person. I would learn from the mistake's and remember that for next time. I know i'm bound to screw something up anyway :) .
Alright well I basically said screw it and so i'm getting the 3200+. I want the opteron but I really don't want to overclock. Reason: If something goes wrong and I try to return it and I tryed to OC it, doesn't that void warranty and returns?
I just need $250 dollars so I can get all the stuff at once. :eek:
want the opteron but I really don't want to overclock. Reason: If something goes wrong and I try to return it and I tryed to OC it, doesn't that void warranty and returns?

1) its doubtful they can tell if you overclocked a cpu. maybe if you had scorch marks on it...not very likely.
2) truthfully, id still go the the athlon over the opteron. the 3200 only has half the cache, but its still got the 10x multi and its cheaper than the opty.

if you do OC, use eclipse's OCing guide in the A64 OC database. oh, and ecplise loves PMs ;)
baldrik said:
1) its doubtful they can tell if you overclocked a cpu. maybe if you had scorch marks on it...not very likely.
2) truthfully, id still go the the athlon over the opteron. the 3200 only has half the cache, but its still got the 10x multi and its cheaper than the opty.

if you do OC, use eclipse's OCing guide in the A64 OC database. oh, and ecplise loves PMs ;)

True the opteron is more but only by ten bucks at newegg. It all comes down to $10 getting the opteron and ocing or $10 less and getting half L2 cache but good speed. :confused:
Well if I were getting an X2 it would ONLY get an opteron. Thats the whole point in 1mb of cache. It keeps you from fighting over RAM since you have to share it with a 2nd processor. 1KB cache in a single core processor is just overkill since there is no other CPU to contend with for RAM. It may give slight 1% or so boost, but I'd be surprised.

However, the 512KB CPUs and the 1MB CPUs are so close in price and it appears that they are the same chip with one having 512KB deactivated since it didnt past some stress testing!? With this in mind it means the 1MB chip has already outperformed the 512KB chip.

But then there is the fact that they need 512KB chips to sell and if they run out they will rebadge the 1MB chips as 512MB chips. As long as the chips maintain the same price, then we can assume they have the same supply/demand and not much rebadging is going on.

Looks like Opty either way...Of course there is San Diego.