OK, so please help me overclock my Sandybridge i5-2500k


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2008
Obvious I have found a guide and while I could blindly follow every setting on there, I'd like a little bit more info in case something goes wrong.


Now my motherboard is a MSI GD65, as opposed to the 55 in the review. But I have i5-2500k and Corsair Vengeance 8gb 1600mhz 9-9-9-24 T2.

1) They talk about changing the DRAM settings, mine at the minute have XMP enabled which makes my RAM run at it's specs.

So do I need to meddle with my RAM settings first of all (they have XMP off)

2) They just changed the CPI Ration/ aka Multiplier to 45. Which does seem simple enough. But does that mean I should leave the CPU Base Freqency at 100.00? Or change it (to a max of 10500)?

3) I don't understand about the voltages bit. Do I need to change the volts of my RAM for overclocking processor? Which is running at 1.50v already and 1600mhz.

I don't know what CPU Vcore or IO or System voltages all do. Nor what is VDroop Control.

4) And any tips on the rest of the article? Like the various functions bit-tech recommended me to enable/disable.

and saving a profile is just to make sure if it's not bootable I can change it in BIOS?

That guide specifically talks about an Asus mb and even though I'm sure some if not alot of that info is relevant...just might not be all for you...so...
All I did was updated my bios to version 1.7 , Installed Control Center II Version: 2.0.012 and Intel Management Engine my vcore to 1.25v changed my multiplier to 45 and boom an easy 4.5Ghz...personally I used a A70 cooler in a push pull config for my cooling...good luck.