Ok, Seriously...CPU CORRECT temp...

Jul 20, 2008
Which program is right?

Under load (wPrime Stability Test):
Realtemp (Version 2.70) says my Core 2 Duo e8500 is at 40 and 42 (two cores) degrees Celsius.
Core Temp (Version 0.99.1) says my Core 2 Duo e8500 is at 51 and 52 (two cores) degrees Celsius.
Rivatuner (Version 2.09 w/cpu temp plugin) says my Core 2 Duo e8500 is at 45 and 46 (two cores) degrees Celsius.

Idle (desktop):
Realtemp (Version 2.70) says my Core 2 Duo e8500 is at 29 and 32 (two cores) degrees Celsius.
Core Temp (Version 0.99.1) says my Core 2 Duo e8500 is at 39 and 41 (two cores) degrees Celsius.
Rivatuner (Version 2.09 w/cpu temp plugin) says my Core 2 Duo e8500 is at 36 and 38 (two cores) degrees Celsius.

Intel Core 2 Duo e8500 (stock)
EVGA Geforce GTX 260
ASUS P5Q Pro P45 Intel Mobo
4GB DDR2 RAM Mushkin
Windows Vista Ultimate

So, with such varying degrees of temperature, it makes me question the validity of any of these programs...

Which one is accurate?
Hardcore overclockers often use their own temperature sensors. You should use Real Temp. It's the most accurate program right now because it uses the most accurate values of TJmax.
So, with such varying degrees of temperature, it makes me question the validity of any of these programs...

Which one is accurate?

Only Intel knows what the real temps are. For purely comparison purposes, just base your temp on "Distance to TJ Max" and compare that value against people with similar CPUs. That is the value that all of these apps are reading, then they subtract that from what they assume the TJ Max value is, and tell you what your temp is. Distance to TJ Max will be the same in any program, that determines the point at which the CPU will throttle itself down.
nice temps. only 40ish during load shown using realtemps? i'm guessing you're running stock.

and yeah, another +1 for realtemps.
Wow! thanks for all the help.

That answers my question perfectly.

(and yes, I am running stock...too afraid to OC yet :eek:)