Ok Need Help With A Virus Problem


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 30, 2005
Ok my roomate has some kind of virus that will make things pop up from his taskbar saying his computer and when you click them it will take you to antispylab.com and he has ran adaware and is running the synatic crap the the college makes us use. It also keeps trying to shut down his computer by killing the lsass.exe process.

Also the popups say something about a trojan.virus.Z.32.exe.
His number of processes keeps growing.

Any help would be appreacated.
Build a BartPE CD loaded with antivirus and anti-spyware apps on a clean workstation. Tehn boot from it to clean the infected workstation.

Well we got it off but that cleanup program screwed up windows the folders and the startbar where no longer there so we are trying to correct that problem right now.
Did you follow those all exactly...step by step?

I carry those on my USB thumb drive now, because I run into these spysheriff/smitfraud variants so much.