OK Guru's, how do I delete this folder?


Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2008
I have a folder I created on a ReadyNAS 2100, but I can't delete it. I've tried the following from elevated command prompts:

~ cacls W:\Charleston /g username:F <--- Results in Access is denied
~ icacls W:\Charleston /grant username:F <--- Results in Access is denied
~ takeown /f W:\Charleston /r <---- Results in ERROR: Access is denied
~ takeown /s [my_computer_name] /f W:\Charleston /r <---- Results in ERROR: Access is denied
~ takeown /a /f W:\Charleston <--- ERROR: Access is denied
~ Added myself as Full Control permission on root directory (W:), tried everything again, no change.

I'm doing all this from a command prompt since none of the right-click and permission windows will let me do anything.

With this being a ReadyNAS, maybe I just need to reset everything in there? I'll play around...
Try restarting the box first.

If this is some kind of Linux OS, don't you have to run your commands as sudo?
I'll give it a reboot later tonight/early morning when users aren't doing stuff from it ... Hopefully that will fix it.
ReadyNas runs a closed Linux OS.

I think you can map a drive as root to windows and than add full control as root over the folder. I believe I have done this before on a ReadyNas.

I am not a huge fan of these devices however they are pretty.........$%^& <-- :D

I think their is a way to also SSH in to the appliance and you can delete it that way as well.
rm -f

DEL /F /S /Q /A "Full Path of Folder\*"

don't forget to run cmd with Administrator or sudo on Linxu
Map the drive then run from elevated cmd:

rmdir /s foldername

If the folder name has a space in it, then change foldername to "folder name" with the quotes around the name.