OH Dear! OCAU back in first, ready for the see-saw

I am curious ezee why are you posting here? Is it because you are not welcome in your team forum? For not being able to read?

Two can play that game you dip.
Spectre said:
Two can play that game you dip.
Hah! I didn't read their forums AT ALL! That'll show them...

Chill, dude, he's just one of those kangaroo lovers. And anyways, I'd guess the shortest hold on #1 was theirs, when they swung over the bar for an hour or whatever overnight. ;)
hey ezee,

since we are the number 1 team in the world. Wouldn't you want to fold for the top dawg?
unhappy_mage said:
Hah! I didn't read their forums AT ALL! That'll show them...

Chill, dude, he's just one of those kangaroo lovers. And anyways, I'd guess the shortest hold on #1 was theirs, when they swung over the bar for an hour or whatever overnight. ;)

Actually that was directed at very specific comment ezee made to me over ocau.
Spectre said:
Actually that was directed at very specific comment ezee made to me over ocau.

I do believe I know exactly what you're talking about.
And it was an 'interesting' comment there(which I didn't approve of) and here too :)

I've breezed through here on and off for a couple of years now.
Almost never post.

o, I hope MF does come back.

o and I fold for the roos too under: Sanitarium_Faction
Plax said:
I do believe I know exactly what you're talking about.
And it was an 'interesting' comment there(which I didn't approve of) and here too :)

I've breezed through here on and off for a couple of years now.
Almost never post.

o, I hope MF does come back.

o and I fold for the roos too under: Sanitarium_Faction

Nice production Plax. I hope the winter months are good to your team.

As I've said before, every team has their members that are a little difficult. I, for one, don't judge the one team based on a couple inappropriate statement by a few. I'm glad to see others don't also.
Plax said:
I do believe I know exactly what you're talking about.
And it was an 'interesting' comment there(which I didn't approve of) and here too :)

I've breezed through here on and off for a couple of years now.
Almost never post.

o, I hope MF does come back.

o and I fold for the roos too under: Sanitarium_Faction

Yeah I know it isn't all but there have been 2 people in particular there that have been dips, and when one decided to post here........well turn about is fair play.
I wouldn't agree Spectre. Keep to the high road. There shouldn't be anything said that is worth responding to in a negative manner.

We have certainly had some of our members saying dippy things over on their boards.

edit: I may be misunderstanding your post though.
Our dear ezee over at ocau:

ezee said:
Spectre, I'm curious as to why you spend so much time in here. Is it because you are not welcome in your team forum? For excessive posting with no real point?

In all fairness, you've been folding for only a few months, you've produced bugger all points, and you hang around like a bad smell.
Yeah the second line is uncalled for. I don't think you smell all that bad.
Hito Bahadur said:
Yeah the second line is uncalled for. I don't think you smell all that bad.

Thank you, I thought the new deoderant was working better :p