Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

What settings are you using for the player and monitor, because my A2 really doesn't look that great on here.


I have the player set to 1080i mode. The monitor is connected via DVI->HDMI and set to 1:1 mode. Monitor is set to standard mode (rather than movie, etc.) with brightness at 80 and contrast at 50.

Is there some specific problem you are seeing?
i have heard and read the 1:1 problem has been fixed in the last firmware update (march?) is this true?/QUOTE]

The update did fix some issues with 1:1 but it is still not right and there is supposed to be a 2nd firmware upgrade out which hopefully fixes these issues and allows overscan to be swtiched on/off.

My monitor was collected yesterday so only time will tell whether its true.
i have heard and read the 1:1 problem has been fixed in the last firmware update (march?) is this true?

The update did fix some issues with 1:1 but it is still not right and there is supposed to be a 2nd firmware upgrade out which hopefully fixes these issues and allows overscan to be swtiched on/off.

My monitor was collected yesterday so only time will tell whether its true.
When did this update come out? If i buy the monitor today will it have the latest one?

This firmware problem is the only reason im starting to consider the dell 2407.

I just got an email from BenQ UK stating the second firmware in March fixed all their problems with the monitors :D

Can someone list what they think are the outstanding issues and I can ask about those specifically.


It is correct that there used to be problems however since December 2006 the 1:1 mapping has been resolved, the 1:1 mapping for 1080p has been resolved since March 2007 so all current versions do no longer have that specific problem.

Kind regards,

That sounds good to me. Just phone up rankhour and they confirmed they have newer stock of the monitor which is sent to them daily from the supplier so hopefully they have the latest firmware, which is march i believe.

Just about to buy now, and its the black version :)
Just ordered the silver as it was £411 compared to £431 for the black. I just hope i have no problems with the 1:1 business.
I have the player set to 1080i mode. The monitor is connected via DVI->HDMI and set to 1:1 mode. Monitor is set to standard mode (rather than movie, etc.) with brightness at 80 and contrast at 50.

Is there some specific problem you are seeing?

Thank you,

Not a specific problem I guess but it just seems fairly grainy. And like I said, on something that should just be one flat color, i.e. a white wall, it never looks right, it just looks a mess. Sorry I can't be more specific or anymore technical. I'm just wondering if this is as good as the monitor can look or if getting the A20 player would make a difference? Do you have any idea? I don't wanna spend over 100 bux more if its not even gonna make it look any better to be able to output at 1080p.


I just got an email from BenQ UK stating the second firmware in March fixed all their problems with the monitors :D

Can someone list what they think are the outstanding issues and I can ask about those specifically.


From what I recall seeing posted here by gregori0 and others as well as on pigsterwiki before, that March firmware, in fact, does not actually fix the 1080p overscan problem. All it did was take the bordered 1080p image and overexpand it to fill the screen, not as an exact pixel mapping. As it states here:

"Firmware Revision 2 (March 2007)
Black bars on all sides have been fixed. No more black borders in 1:1 mode, but unfortunately the image is slightly too large and gets cropped. gregaori0 has some interesting news about Benq covering up the overscan issue."

Further links are on that page detailing the issue, but Linezilla demonstrates it clearly with images in this post. To this date, there has been no confirmation since from a user to confirm a later firmware has been released to properly fix what BenQ attempted with the March 2007 firmware.
the March firmware was the 1st firmware in the UK made available which was supposed to address the 1:1 and aspect issues, but all it did really was enable you to select the various modes 1:1, aspect and fill which still have problems especially with 4:3 content and the overscan issue.

The most recent communication with BenQ was regarding the overscan issues and the problems with picking up the correct aspect ratio and scaling it properly in aspect mode. It has been quite a while since I initially contacted them regarding it and only recently I got a definitive response saying that the new firmware was available which fixes issues relating to overscan etc.

As the previous post stated, no one yet has had there monitor upgraded to this firmware and the only proof of it existing is from the korean launch of the VW model.

I will be very surprised if rankhour has the latest stock with this firmware and will most likely be the first firmware update. Either way please post information regarding your monitor once you get it.
Thank you,

Not a specific problem I guess but it just seems fairly grainy. And like I said, on something that should just be one flat color, i.e. a white wall, it never looks right, it just looks a mess. Sorry I can't be more specific or anymore technical. I'm just wondering if this is as good as the monitor can look or if getting the A20 player would make a difference? Do you have any idea? I don't wanna spend over 100 bux more if its not even gonna make it look any better to be able to output at 1080p.


I don't think that 1080p from an A20 is going to make any difference at all I'm afraid. Because (more or less) all HD-DVD content started out as 24p rather than 60p it can be converted to 60i without actually losing any information. Similarly a good deinterlacer should be able to reverse the conversion perfectly. I even downloaded some test patterns and burnt them to DVD to check that this monitor does do the deinterlacing correctly.

Either there is something wrong with one of your components or (more likely) you are not as easily pleased as me.
I don't think that 1080p from an A20 is going to make any difference at all I'm afraid. Because (more or less) all HD-DVD content started out as 24p rather than 60p it can be converted to 60i without actually losing any information. Similarly a good deinterlacer should be able to reverse the conversion perfectly. I even downloaded some test patterns and burnt them to DVD to check that this monitor does do the deinterlacing correctly.

Either there is something wrong with one of your components or (more likely) you are not as easily pleased as me.

Well thanks for the heads up then. I don't want to blow the extra 100 or so if its not really going to make any difference with this monitor. I'm kind of a noob with this stuff, but the only thing I was reading was that maybe this monitor can't deinterlace very well, if that were the case wouldn't outputting at 1080p solve this problem and give a better picture? Or am I way off base here?

Thanks for you patience.
no one yet has had there monitor upgraded to this firmware and the only proof of it existing is from the korean launch of the VW model.

Now if only the US BenQ branch will ever notice and acknowledge such a thing is being worked on by BenQ Global or whatever division, maybe I'd have better hope of an overscan patch for mine. After all, they only acknowledge one firmware update has ever been released. I'm sure not shipping my monitor out to Cali at some point without hard proof they can fix it (assuming they ever figure out something's wrong to begin with). :rolleyes:
Well thanks for the heads up then. I don't want to blow the extra 100 or so if its not really going to make any difference with this monitor. I'm kind of a noob with this stuff, but the only thing I was reading was that maybe this monitor can't deinterlace very well, if that were the case wouldn't outputting at 1080p solve this problem and give a better picture? Or am I way off base here?

Thanks for you patience.

For some reason I can't get it to accept a 1080i signal from my PC properly at all but I think thats some kind of problem with my video card. But from the HD-E1 it appears to be perfect. The test clip I was using had alternating black and white horizontal and vertical lines of varying widths from 1 pixel upwards. I looked at it very closely (with an SLR and macro lens) and there was absolutely no blurring or loss of contrast. Its possible that it could get confused if there is motion in the scene but I'd be surprised and I imagine there are other test clips around to test this more fully. Its probably worth looking into before you spend any money on an A20.
For some reason I can't get it to accept a 1080i signal from my PC properly at all but I think thats some kind of problem with my video card. But from the HD-E1 it appears to be perfect. The test clip I was using had alternating black and white horizontal and vertical lines of varying widths from 1 pixel upwards. I looked at it very closely (with an SLR and macro lens) and there was absolutely no blurring or loss of contrast. Its possible that it could get confused if there is motion in the scene but I'd be surprised and I imagine there are other test clips around to test this more fully. Its probably worth looking into before you spend any money on an A20.

I may try out some test clips then. When you try to run your HD-DVD player at 1080i, does a small green line appear across the bottom of the frame? Because it does on my monitor yet dissapears when running at 720p
Hi bitgod,
I have never had the black out problem, but I have never used the original BenQ cable that came with the monitor. I will get the original out and see if I can induce the black out problem.

Err, it was the other way. I was getting occasional blackouts when I didn't use the cable that came with the display, it's been fine since I switched to the cable that came with the display.
I may try out some test clips then. When you try to run your HD-DVD player at 1080i, does a small green line appear across the bottom of the frame? Because it does on my monitor yet dissapears when running at 720p

Yes, but I found that you can make it go away (without resorting to 720p mode) by switching to Aspect and then back to 1:1.
Yes, but I found that you can make it go away (without resorting to 720p mode) by switching to Aspect and then back to 1:1.

Thanks for the tip, I wish BenQ would just fix all these little issues with the monitor once and for all!
just to be clear. With a PS3 using a hdmi->dvi adapter, 1080p shows up fine and with 1:1 with no strectching or cropping?

Am I also right in thinking the WZ is not worth the extra as most people switch off the motion engine?

Is it me or isnt it possible to use 75hz refresh rate in native res? When im playing a game on the pc it feels abit laggy, for example when i move the crosshair about alot it kind of feels blurry until you stop. I thought this was my gfx card as i only have a x800gto, but my fps is fine.

Should i lower the res so i can use 75hz in game? Also the screen itself is quite warm, especially the centre of the screen. Is this normal? First time i have owned anything other than a crt.
just to be clear. With a PS3 using a hdmi->dvi adapter, 1080p shows up fine and with 1:1 with no strectching or cropping?

Am I also right in thinking the WZ is not worth the extra as most people switch off the motion engine?


I think the WZ has a slightly better type of panel than the W. I'm not entirely sure though, maybe someone can confirm?
Has anyone managed to get the new firmware update yet? Does it fix the old problems? Does it create any new ones? Any reports on turnaround times in the UK?
My monitor says manufactured May 07 so im guessing it has the latest firmware.

Don't count on it. I have a WZ manufactured in April and it still shows black borders on left and right with 480p widescreen. The march update is supposed to fix that problem.
I love this monitor for it's size, quality brightness and looks, but now this ghosting pisses me off. I have the FP241W Z, i hardly notice any ghosting on most of my games.
Fear, Serious sam II, "some on STALKER" Call of Duty 2 BF2 and BF2142 all seem fine. NFS most wanted runs very nice and I v sync it so it runs at 60fps since this video cards runs the game like a old game with all settings max.
Far Cry really bothers my eyes I get 95-120 fps average which is great. But there is so much ghosting I turn perfect motion all the way like I do in other games. Is it because there is to many objects like the variety of vegetation in the game?

My setup as follows.
CPU: QX6700 OC 3.2ghz zalman
Ram: 2 gigs Corsair Dominator
Mobo: Evga 680i SLI
Vid card: 2X evga 8800GTX SLI

Anyone using this monitors and play far cry have this kind of ghosting?
I don't understand, has the latest firmware solved the problem of the overscanning??? And how can we get this upgrade?
I don't understand, has the latest firmware solved the problem of the overscanning??? And how can we get this upgrade?

The March firmware gets rid of the black bars, yes, from what people report, but it doesn't solve the problem. With the overscan option set to eliminate the black borders, someone with the firmware needs to display a full 1080p test pattern image like this one via HDMI (not HDMI->DVI) and confirm for us that nothing is still being cut off. If the image displays properly, then that's wonderful news, but it's been proven not to here.
just had a call from BenQ regarding the completion of the upgrade and delivery of my monitor back, so hopefully will have it back tomorrow and everything will be sorted.

Will post back tomorrow.
just had a call from BenQ regarding the completion of the upgrade and delivery of my monitor back, so hopefully will have it back tomorrow and everything will be sorted.

Will post back tomorrow.

Great news! I look forward to hearing what the new firmware is really like. :)
I have a Z model of this with rev 1 of the fw. Yesterday I tried playing a game in 1600x900 over DVI-D and what happens? Black bars on both sides even i 1:1 mode! Wth I thought DVI worked flawlessly on this monitor. :confused:
I have a Z model of this with rev 1 of the fw. Yesterday I tried playing a game in 1600x900 over DVI-D and what happens? Black bars on both sides even i 1:1 mode! Wth I thought DVI worked flawlessly on this monitor. :confused:

Its a 1920x1200 monitor. You should expect black bars on all sides if you view a 1600x900 image at 1:1. I suggest you use 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 or switch to Aspect mode.
well ive just got my monitor back, hooked it all up and everything seems to be working fine. No further problems created but nothing seems to be fixed either.

I have no option to disable overscan on any input and the detection of signals and aspect ratios is still messed up as it was before. I tried the test pattern on the PS3 and here is what I get, i think it is better than what I previously had from just using the web browser but i never tried the test pattern before i sent it away.

I also tried the test pattern on the 360 at 1280x720 with the VGA cable (1920x1080 still not working correctly) and the image displays fine but I think the 360 is scaling the image to fit the screen anyways.

So basically the repair centre in the UK hasnt got the latest firmware which BenQ emailed me about but seem to have a newer version firmware than what I previously had. There doesnt seem to be much different other than on the PS3 and that there is now a sticker on the back of my monitor which wasnt there before.

Gonna email BenQ and see what they have to say.
argh, that is lame, having seen the pictures of the fp241vw with the option to turn off overscan i was hoping that this update would be exactly the same. i guess i won't be sending mine off to get updated yet then
Its a 1920x1200 monitor. You should expect black bars on all sides if you view a 1600x900 image at 1:1. I suggest you use 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 or switch to Aspect mode.

What I mean is that there are black bars on the left & right but the image streches from bottom to top. That is not correct in 1:1. :( Aspect mode looks the same....frucked up.:mad: Try it yourself in windows. :)
What I mean is that there are black bars on the left & right but the image streches from bottom to top. That is not correct in 1:1. :( Aspect mode looks the same....frucked up.:mad: Try it yourself in windows. :)

Maybe there are some settings to let your graphics card scale to the native resolution rather than the monitor doing it? Or maybe the graphics card is scaling and it is causing a conflict with the monitors scaler.
Argh, so the update doesn't fix the overscan...NOOO. Dammit, at least I don't have the money for this monitor...yet.

I also need to vent....some idiot posted on Newegg with a tech level of "high" claiming - "It's just absurd that monitors are getting Certified for Vista badges there is no need, blah blah, they should focus on soundcards etc"

I just wish there was a WAY to respond to this numbnuts and tell Mr "high tech level" err...ever heard of a little thing called DRM and HDCP's just annoying at how pretentious some people can be.
I wonder if they even gave you the right update. After all, we have pictures of the FP241VW in Korea with the Overscan option in the menu, so obviously the right update is floating around out there somewhere.

I just want this problem fixed soon. It's a bit of a drag seeing all sorts of jaggies on my PS3 and Xbox 360 because of improper scaling.