Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews


Has anybody received monitors which has the new firmware, without having to return it and
getting it upgraded.

For the people with ATI cards having the no signal problem when you turn off the monitor and back on, try new drivers. I was using the latest Omega drivers when I had the problem and decided to to give new drivers a try before I email tech support. Latest offical ATI drivers seem to fix it. I uninstalled the omega drivers first and had no ATI drivers installed to make sure it was the drivers and it seems that way for my case at least.
So did Newegg got the new monitors with the fixed firmware? I'm waiting sooo long to get this monitor.
Here's my very short and non technical review of the FP241WZ that I just received:

-Manufacture date is 01/07

-Comes with an HDMI cable

-Unknown what the panel actually is without disassembling it

-Standard mode is very bright and tends to look washed out in photos and pictures. Other modes look much better, however it seems to me that the fonts get slightly blurred (this may just be my eyes - I haven't figured this one out yet). Any mode other than standard turns on Senseye (did the W have this?), which gets rid of the washed out look. There is even a Senseye demo in the menu, which makes half the screen look washed out (like in standard mode) and half not. The different modes also lower the brightness level to the 50s and contrast in the 30s.

-"Perfect Motion", as the button is now called, has 3 levels. All produce a very small amount of flicker, with 1 being the least. The flicker is noticeable if you go back to a static picture with it on, but not noticeable in gaming. Each level creates less "blur", with a sacrifice in brightness. As the brightness fades, so does the shadow detail, in a major way. Level 3, although producing the smoothest picture, is void of a lot of detail of the game. Level 1 is nice in that it visibly accomplishes the goal without losing too much. Over all, I think this setting will be a very personal decision and vary widely...I've only tested Oblivion, so obviously there is more to see here. Cranking up the gamma in a game may also be a way to compensate for some of what gets lost...I'll have to try a good FPS to give a better review of this option...

More to come, but that's a start!

Edit: Manually adjusting things is what really makes this thing shine! The lower brightness/contrast is great for things like photoshop/general desktop work. Luckily, it saves settings of a particular mode between modes, so I left photo mode as the standard desktop mode (and didn't use standard since Senseye is then turned off) and then made Dynamic mode "Gaming mode", where I increased the brightness and contrast to both in the 70s to compensate for Perfectmotion...Even with Perfectmotion turned on at level one, it looks awesome!

I figured out my font issue as well - It's just a perception issue of the lesser brightness/contrast combined with Senseye...Hard to explain, but it isn't the monitor's fault...
One thing that is starting to bug me a bit is that the screen was perfect the day I got it but it seems to have developed a very faint frostiness/silkiness (dunno what to call it) the last couple of days. I thought this was dust but it doesn't seem to be. Can't seem to be able to clean this off. Looks like the screen coating has changed somehow.:confused:

My ex-wife's 60" Sony television had such a silky effect right from the day she got it and it is distracting.

Could this be due to the heat of the monitor (it feels hotter than I expected a LCD screen to be, as warm as my CRT did) ?
For the people with ATI cards having the no signal problem when you turn off the monitor and back on, try new drivers. I was using the latest Omega drivers when I had the problem and decided to to give new drivers a try before I email tech support. Latest offical ATI drivers seem to fix it. I uninstalled the omega drivers first and had no ATI drivers installed to make sure it was the drivers and it seems that way for my case at least.

I have this problem, but not when i turn on/off. It happens whenever the screens feels like it, for about 1-2second everything is black, then back to normal.... getting worse... i already emailed the tech support of benq, and guess what, still nothing a week after, GREAT consumer support!!!

I'll try that, and post back! (i also have omega drivers...)
Is the HDMI input in a 16:9 aspect ratio (meaning there are black bars at the top and bottom)?

I'm thinking about trading in my Sceptre 22". HDMI picture quality and aspect ratio issues result in a sub-par experience with this monitor.
Is the HDMI input in a 16:9 aspect ratio (meaning there are black bars at the top and bottom)?

I'm thinking about trading in my Sceptre 22". HDMI picture quality and aspect ratio issues result in a sub-par experience with this monitor.

The 1:1 mode in 1080p is a bit weird and not working properly, but aspect mode will give you the 16:9 aspect you want.
Is the HDMI input in a 16:9 aspect ratio (meaning there are black bars at the top and bottom)?

I'm thinking about trading in my Sceptre 22". HDMI picture quality and aspect ratio issues result in a sub-par experience with this monitor.

The 1:1 mode in 1080p is a bit weird and not working properly, but aspect mode will give you the 16:9 aspect you want.

I own this monitor, and don't understand why someone would choose 1:1, i know this means the image isn't stretch, but let say you plug your dvd player to this screen, the movie would be so tiny, it's just useless... Your better off using Aspect Ratio which stretch the image to fit the screen WITHOUT loosing the ratio. Not as beautiful, but personally cannot stand watching something in a tiny box....
if someone hears that the WZ also have the black-out problem, post it please!!!

do you mean the screen suddently no signal and back to normal within 1 sec? if so then yes. So far i tired once only tho...
BTW i am using 8800gtx and newest driver from nvidia...
I have this problem, but not when i turn on/off. It happens whenever the screens feels like it, for about 1-2second everything is black, then back to normal.... getting worse... i already emailed the tech support of benq, and guess what, still nothing a week after, GREAT consumer support!!!

I'll try that, and post back! (i also have omega drivers...)

So uninstalled all the drivers(Omega Drivers), rebooted, the "black-out" happened 2 times in less than 5second for 1second each time with the default VGA drivers of windows(connected with DVI). Now installed the newest drivers from ATI.... will post more if the situation is solved/unsolved (doubt it will resolve the problem though..)

do you mean the screen suddently no signal and back to normal within 1 sec? if so then yes. So far i tired once only tho...
BTW i am using 8800gtx and newest driver from nvidia...

Yes exactly this problem. Just to be sure, yes it has this same problem? (the part where you say that you only tried once confuse me...)
Here's my very short and non technical review of the FP241WZ that I just received:

How is the 1:1 pixel mapping or aspect mode on the WZ with external sources? Are there borders on all 4 sides when choosing 1:1 etc..?
I have this problem, but not when i turn on/off. It happens whenever the screens feels like it, for about 1-2second everything is black, then back to normal.... getting worse... i already emailed the tech support of benq, and guess what, still nothing a week after, GREAT consumer support!!!
Isn't this a heat issue? Have you tried lower the temperature in your room or place a fan near your LCD? I think you mentioned in another thread that you LCD is almost always on. Maybe BenQ just neglected to create a proper cooling for this beast. I think it is their first 24".
I own one of the earlier models without the 1:1 fix. I was thinking about sending it to Benq to get the firmware update. But after comparing the "stretched" image to a monitor with a 1:1 ratio I really didn't notice the difference at all. In fact I liked the "stretched" view of the Benq 241W better. For watching movies and playing a xbox 360 on it it really doesn't look stretched or anything bad to me, looks just right imo.

I'm not about to pay around $60 for shipping and take a risk of it getting damaged in shipping. If they would only come up with a way for the end user to do the update at home. Hands down this monitor is the best 24" I have ever seen or used. Just my 2 cents.
I own this monitor, and don't understand why someone would choose 1:1, i know this means the image isn't stretch, but let say you plug your dvd player to this screen, the movie would be so tiny, it's just useless... Your better off using Aspect Ratio which stretch the image to fit the screen WITHOUT loosing the ratio. Not as beautiful, but personally cannot stand watching something in a tiny box....

thats why you STRETCH the box to make it more viewable. :confused:

maxing out a 1024x768 native image to 1900x1200 is pointless :)
Hands down this monitor is the best 24" I have ever seen or used. Just my 2 cents.


I have this problem, but not when i turn on/off. It happens whenever the screens feels like it, for about 1-2second everything is black, then back to normal.... getting worse...

Stark differences. :( I am interested to get to the bottom of this on/off problem as I am looking to buy one of these screens too, does this problem affect most of the displays out there or just the odd few?


thats why you STRETCH the box to make it more viewable. :confused:

maxing out a 1024x768 native image to 1900x1200 is pointless :)

He's talking about aspect mode, where stretching 1024x768 would fit the screen as much as possible but still keeping the aspect ratio of the original image and have black bars on the side.
n0xlf ,
Any updates? I'm trying to decide between getting the WZ or saving $100 and getting the Non-Z model, any advice? (maybe put that extra cash toward's zero dead pixel policy on the non-Z)
How is it possible to tell what firmware you got on these? I'm thinking of ordering one but if I don't got the latest firmware I would like to get it upgraded. BenQ has on site warranty where I live so I guess they don't charge for that.
thats why you STRETCH the box to make it more viewable. :confused:

maxing out a 1024x768 native image to 1900x1200 is pointless :)

read more carefully man ;)... like he says.....
He's talking about aspect mode, where stretching 1024x768 would fit the screen as much as possible but still keeping the aspect ratio of the original image and have black bars on the side.


Isn't this a heat issue? Have you tried lower the temperature in your room or place a fan near your LCD? I think you mentioned in another thread that you LCD is almost always on. Maybe BenQ just neglected to create a proper cooling for this beast. I think it is their first 24".

Thats a good idea, now i tried changing to the newest drivers from ATI, like i said from an older post, if the problems come back, i'll try that. My monitor is most of the time on, except when i got to sleep or leave my home. But windows is set to turn the monitor off after 5minutes of idle...

How is it possible to tell what firmware you got on these? I'm thinking of ordering one but if I don't got the latest firmware I would like to get it upgraded. BenQ has on site warranty where I live so I guess they don't charge for that.
You can get them already updated with, or buy the WZ which already has the update, but soon you'll probably gonna be able to get them updated from anywhere, since old stock a surely close to be all sold(guessing)
You can get them already updated with, or buy the WZ which already has the update, but soon you'll probably gonna be able to get them updated from anywhere, since old stock a surely close to be all sold(guessing)

I'm not in the US so is not an option for me. :( I guess I will just call my retailer and ask if they know anyting about it's firmware. :)
Thats a good idea, now i tried changing to the newest drivers from ATI, like i said from an older post, if the problems come back, i'll try that. My monitor is most of the time on, except when i got to sleep or leave my home. But windows is set to turn the monitor off after 5minutes of idle...

Also have a look in the CCC there used to be some DVI monitor timings in the CCC which mentioned problems with digital displays, I can't actually check as my VX910 decided DVI is not playing anymore a few weeks ago :(

From Rage3d forums:

Monitor Problems.

If you were to search the Catalyst forum for "monitor," you'd likely find thousands of topics, because that's just how many problems people have with their monitors and ATI drivers. This section is for those of you whose monitor is goes blank at random times, or if it just flat out dies after awhile and you get a "no signal" message.

Go to your control panel. Under Options, toggle "Alternate DVI operational mode" and "Reduce DVI frequency." I say 'toggle' and not a definitive 'on' or 'off' because these options need to be experimented with. They might help, might not; might even make your situation worse. Play around with them anyway; they're likely to produce some sort of reaction.

Try plugging your monitor directly into an outlet, as opposed into a surge protector or power tap. I've found that my monitor, when plugged into a power tap, would sometimes go blank at completely random times; when I plugged it directly into an outlet in the wall, the monitor stopped doing that. So this may help.

I'm not in the US so is not an option for me. :( I guess I will just call my retailer and ask if they know anyting about it's firmware. :)

Well if you have a 100$ more to spend, get the WZ, same panel plus one new good features and you will get the firmware update for sure...

Where are you located? NCIX is Canadian.
check personal profiles ;)....Sweden

Also have a look in the CCC there used to be some DVI monitor timings in the CCC which mentioned problems with digital displays, I can't actually check as my VX910 decided DVI is not playing anymore a few weeks ago :(

From Rage3d forums:

Monitor Problems.

If you were to search the Catalyst forum for "monitor," you'd likely find thousands of topics, because that's just how many problems people have with their monitors and ATI drivers. This section is for those of you whose monitor is goes blank at random times, or if it just flat out dies after awhile and you get a "no signal" message.

Go to your control panel. Under Options, toggle "Alternate DVI operational mode" and "Reduce DVI frequency." I say 'toggle' and not a definitive 'on' or 'off' because these options need to be experimented with. They might help, might not; might even make your situation worse. Play around with them anyway; they're likely to produce some sort of reaction.

Try plugging your monitor directly into an outlet, as opposed into a surge protector or power tap. I've found that my monitor, when plugged into a power tap, would sometimes go blank at completely random times; when I plugged it directly into an outlet in the wall, the monitor stopped doing that. So this may help.


stormyuk ... ... ... after all that time *poof* you come up with this "perfect" answer lol, where were you man! anyway i still didn't get a problem since the driver update. If it comes up again, i'll try the ventilation thing(mentionned earlier) and this too! But from what i can remember people with NVIDIA also have this problem... Those with nvidia can you post about it(if you do OR do not have it) would be greatly appreciated!

So, am I the only one noticing a slight graininess on the screen coating after a few days? :confused:
Had it for 2 weeks now and i dont see what you're talking about... first one to mention it as well, hope for you your just hallucinating, if not bummer man! :(
It's like a very weak Photoshop sandstone texture or JPEG compression. Like I said, it wasn't around the first few days (or I did not notice it). I thought it was dust but I cannot wipe it away.:(

I'll buy some LCD cleaning solution tomorrow at Radio-Schack and see it that helps.
Yes exactly this problem. Just to be sure, yes it has this same problem? (the part where you say that you only tried once confuse me...)

I mean I tried it once black-out problem in about 1 month usage
I mean I tried it once black-out problem in about 1 month usage

maybe i'm just dumb, but i dont get what you mean.... you tried once the black-out problem? how can you try a bug? Or you meant that it happened once???

The WZ model hasn't been out for a month, has it?
stormyuk ... ... ... after all that time *poof* you come up with this "perfect" answer lol

Well I had some issues way back in time similar with my VX910 so I hope thats a fix for you, I really want the FP241WZ to be a good monitor to retire my VX910 to! :)

So, am I the only one noticing a slight graininess on the screen coating after a few days? :confused:

Is it possible to get a photo of it?

One thing it could be is the LCD pixel pitch you are seeing, you might just be very sensitive to it. I can see it on certain LCDs. Did you own an LCD before or have you come from CRT? I thought it was just a LCD issue because I tend to see it on most LCDs I have used.

Try adjusting the brightness and contrast settings to high and then lower to see if you can minimise the affect (if indeed I am thinking of the same thing you are).

You are in the native resolution for the monitor arn't you?

Yup native resolution. I don't think it's the pixels. I can see them if I get close to the screen but this looks different. My CRT television looks like this when it gets some dust on it. That's why I thought it was dust.

Edit: tried to take some pics that show the effect. It shows more on slightly out-of-focus pics.

This is my first LCD. What confuses me is I did not see this the first few days.
Well if you have a 100$ more to spend, get the WZ, same panel plus one new good features and you will get the firmware update for sure...

I think I will. It's actually in stock at my retailer now. Yesterday they said they would get it mid march. I just called and asked and they said they have <10. Maybe I should get on it.:eek:
This is my first LCD. What confuses me is I did not see this the first few days.

Yeh, it looks very odd indeed. What refresh rate are you drving your monitor at? Is this DVI or VGA? (Does that make a difference?)

Have you tried other resolutions (non-native) and see if the effect is still present?

I have never seen an effect like that on an LCD and you are right, its definately NOT the pixel pitch showing. Any other BenQ owners have any ideas?

Edit: just been taking another looksie, the second picture looks fine but the other two, is it like the series of narrow lines you are seeing? If I put my nose right upto this IBM thinkvision 20.1" screen (its a 200p) I use at work it has a similar effect but I have to be litrally about a few inches away. At normal viewing distance, all is fine.. Hmmm

Are you using VGA by any chance? That looks a little like an interference pattern. Try using a DVI cable or a shielded VGA cable.

What video card do you have?
I have never seen an effect like that on an LCD and you are right, its definately NOT the pixel pitch showing. Any other BenQ owners have any ideas? If thats *normal* behaviour for the BenQ then I wont be purchasing it!

Are you using VGA by any chance? That looks a little like an interference pattern. Try using a DVI cable or a shielded VGA cable.

I don't get it. What are you guys seeing? The pictures look fine to me.
I don't get it. What are you guys seeing? The pictures look fine to me.

The more I look at it Toasty the more I am confused, the first one looks like a series of narrow lines but as I edited above, this monitor I am using at work has a similar effect if my nose is like a few inches from the panel.

The second and third picture don't look too bad, the first one is where I see the effect. I am going to get my nose upto my VX910 when I get home as I am not convinced now that this isnt just inherent LCD'ness.

Alright, so a while ago I posted about my screen flickering for a second or two and then reappearing. I was told it was the cable (which I doubted in the first place) so when I received my new cable (Audio Research Dual Link DVI-D - $60 cable for $10 :) ) I was duly surprised to find that the screen still flickers and this time more often than before.

I highly doubt it is a physical glitch as the screen almost looks like its fading in and out when it goes black (albeit quite quickly). I am on a PowerBook G4 so perhaps it has to do with macs?

FlacX: Did you ever find information regarding this in previous posts? I couldnt find anything off of my first quick run through. Are you still having the problem or is anybody else? And again, the monitor is not hot and all connecitons are secured properly.