Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

Many thanks to everybody here. Got mine too in the UK from Ebuyer with firmware upgrade. Best monitor I have ever seen. Thought about it and followed this thread for a long time then took the plunge. Very happy

I am using dual monitor. The primery one is Benq FP241W and the second one is Samsung 205WB.

The BenQ mon distort (flickering) fraction of a second once a while. It does not turn dark like others say. The screen distort very quickly especially at the bottom part. It happen on the Samsung mon too. I used the Sony 17" LCD prior to the BenQ, and this flickering occured as well. It does not happen very often though.

So I am thinking it may not be the monitor nor the DVI cable as I changed DVI cable couple of times. It may be the graphic card driver or the graphic card itself, or may be windows XP problem. I am using ATI X1900XT with ccc 6.12 driver.
ATI X1900-XTX with CP 6.12 driver for me. My CCC got borked somehow and I could not make it work anymore.
I have not had time to reseach it but I would think the entire 24" display would be filled at 1080p. I have black bars on the top and the bottom. Like I said I have not had time to research this but it does not sound right to me. But when I pay an HD movie through my Xbox HD drive to my 1080i Sony TV I get bars on the top and bottom too. Soon I will get a chance to start checking into this.

I already addressed this issue in this post.
peTeMelster said:
Red saturation on VGA (limited problem, seems to be limited to RepairTech when they switch out the mainboard)
While definitely a problem, I wouldn't recommend using VGA on an LCD monitor anyway, so it's not that big of a deal. Can the problem be fixed by reducing the red color setting?

peTeMelster said:
Blank signal for a second problems on DVI. Seems to be a common problem that some users claim can be fixed by buying a better DVI cabled and not using the BenQ supplied one. However, at least two users are using an expensive DVI cable and still have the same problem. This seems like a huge problem to me.
That would definitely be a problem, but how widespread is it?

peTeMelster said:
The 1:1 fix doesn't seem to work perfectly as sometimes an input of 1920x1080 will result in black bars on all four sides, however, using "aspect" fixes this. Still, it doesn't make sense why 1:1 with 1920x1080 would cause black bars on all four sides.
That doesn't sound like a defect to me. It's probably cropping for overscan. People keep saying they want 1:1 mapping when they really want aspect scaling. The updated firmware provides both.

One problem I'm not seeing getting more attention is 480i and 480p being stretched to 3:2. I know Dell monitors have this problem, and BenQ makes Dell monitors. Can anyone verify if this monitor has this problem? Photos would be helpful.

Those are the only major problems I've heard about so far.
just for the record, i had the blank display thingy hit mine last night for about 2 seconds, and it hasn't happened again.
Like another poster said, i hope its a once in a great while kind of deal...
also, i sent mine in, and it took 6 days to get it back from benq, so i think the helpdesk is reading from documentation how long it COULD POSSIBLY take, as i was reading a post where the rep from benq said it could take 3 weeks.
happy with mine so far, but i have to say, just like any LCD, this one looks pretty sweet but dont try playing something like splinter cell on it.
save the dark gaming for the CRT's :D
It may take much longer than a week for the blank signal over DVI to start occuring.

Also, I would say while the VGA red tint and blank signal are major problems, I have beef with other problems as well:
-add this to the list: lopsided monitor
-PIP is crap
-not as good colors or wide viewing angle as S-IPS

Couldn't disagree with you more on this point, I use eizo monitors at work (photographic lab) and my FP241W is every bit as good with color reproduction and the difference in viewing angle is nil or very close to it, that it's impossible to perceive.

- No tilt with my screen

-My picture n picture works exactly as it says in the manual

-No discernable difference between D-Sub and DVI-D inputs

-Very low twinkling effect when watching movies (best in class)

-No Backlight bleed

-No input lag

Really this monitor is best 24" under $1500
Hi all!

I just finished my new setup.... My monitor doesn't have dead pixel(have made a complete check up yet...) not tilting problem for the stand, 1:1, all black!

So here's my old setup.... it was good...:)

And now the new setup :cool::D

(shut up about the desk... made it my self in about 30minutes since the old one was not up to my need...hehe)

Has you can see i have a PS3, so i'll post some pictures with it later, but the visual quality wont be the best one, since there's only one game one the PS3 that currently do 1080P and it's a basketball game... and i hate sport games hehe... so it will be 720P upscaled by the PS3 itself... And i'll rent a Blu-Ray movie soon to, so i'll post some realy 1080P pictures...

May i say this monitor just blows my mind! Coming from a LG Flatron 19'' CRT, the colors beautiful, blacks really good, bit to bright but haven't change any settings yet.... OH! and.. GOD IT'S HUGE i was thinking maybe getting a 30'', but it would have been too big for my taste seeing this monitor in real.

I was a bit surprised that there's no actual manual with the monitor(paper one, not cd version, anyway dont really care!)

P.S. if you order from NCIX(like i did) dont take the heavy duty box, they dont have a box that fits the benq box, so they refund me after i emailed them(no problem there, NCIX has great consumer service!)

so more pictures coming... but probably monday/tuesday since i wont be here of the weekend...
Couldn't disagree with you more on this point, I use eizo monitors at work (photographic lab) and my FP241W is every bit as good with color reproduction and the difference in viewing angle is nil or very close to it, that it's impossible to perceive.

- No tilt with my screen

-My picture n picture works exactly as it says in the manual

-No discernable difference between D-Sub and DVI-D inputs

-Very low twinkling effect when watching movies (best in class)

-No Backlight bleed

-No input lag

Really this monitor is best 24" under $1500

-Other people seem to say otherwise, that S-IPS is better.
-There is a discernable difference between D-sub adn DVI-D (1. red saturation on VGA, 2. blurrier text on VGA).
-Maybe no tilt in your screen, but a few people have said they have tilt.
-Sure, PIP works like it says in the manual, but it doesn't work like the Gateway PIP. In other words, the BenQ PIP is limited in function to the point of being essentially useless (crap).
-Other people seem to say otherwise, that S-IPS is better.
-There is a discernable difference between D-sub adn DVI-D (1. red saturation on VGA, 2. blurrier text on VGA).
-Maybe no tilt in your screen, but a few people have said they have tilt.
-Sure, PIP works like it says in the manual, but it doesn't work like the Gateway PIP. In other words, the BenQ PIP is limited in function to the point of being essentially useless (crap).

What screen do you own, if you don't mind me asking, and I would like a link to the “Other people seem to say otherwise, that S-IPS is better." Statement, because I use and calibrate high quality LCDs on a regular basis and it is contrary to my findings.

2 or 3 reports of a problem with D-Sub input on monitors after the 1:1 fix hardly qualifies as endemic, yet there are NO reports of the problem with screens built after December 06, or screens prior to this without the new firmware!

The only thing you seem intent on is creating FUD, and bad publicity for the monitor instead of offering a balanced and impartial view.
Incorrect. Just because you didn't wait long enough and truly research the monitor like I have, now you're just being a fan-boy - hardly impartial on your part.

I, on the other hand, have absolutely no reason to be biased. I am simply looking for a monitor that will satisfy me. I have been following this thread from page 1, and have had my moments when I thought this monitor was absolutely fantastic, trumping all other 24" monitors out there. But with the recent barrage of problems, I'm not so much a fan anymore. I am simply synthesizing the info together here into an easy-to-read list, and we already know what's good with this monitor, it's time to really start pointing out the bad. Case studies definitely need to be taken into account.

No one said the red problem was an endemic. WTH does "endemic" have to do with this anyways? Endemic means native or local to a particular place/people. The word is epidemic, which means widespread disease (though can be interpreted figuratively as a widespread problem).

To be honest, I could probably live with this monitor were it not for the blank signal problem, which is just totally unacceptable, and it seems to be a problem for several users with more and more people reporting it recently. The VGA red problem is also unacceptable, as I will be hooking it up to a laptop that has a VGA port only.
I actually enjoy someone giving negative aspects of this monitor. Because I was planning on dishing out $900 on this monitor, but now I see all the problems that people are having and honestly I will be having to go with a 22" or another 24". Even though I may have some problems with some other choice. I want to be sure before dishing out a wack of money. Honestly, no one needs to spend money and not be happy on a purchase. Expecially when I could spend 1/2 and get something similar.

Ive heard many good reviews ona 37" westinghouse 1080p HD for $999 and honestly no bad reviews from anyone. "yet" I should add. Its temping to buy but first I await reviews from actual people who have been purchasing them. These forums are Great for Pros / Cons. And everyone should agree with me, that why we come on here mostly, for advice.
Ive heard many good reviews ona 37" westinghouse 1080p HD for $999 and honestly no bad reviews from anyone. "yet" I should add.

that monitor CAN be good, you'll see a lot of happy customers that is true, but it's not rare to see people having to exchange it 2-3times to get a good one. Westinghouse makes a lcd out of anything (i'm sure i saw a toaster in it once :p), they dont have "real" quality norms. So you might get a great LCD, with nice picture and all the options, but maybe in a month or two, you'll get problems or not....


PLEASE stop bitching on each others, you both have valid points. But please see the other side also, don't be so closed off and yelling to everyone "MY OPINION IS BETTER!"... you might have a good point, but so can they. (this is an impartial message, i'm not taking any sides!... but i do love my monitor :p)

pfff posted some pics and no comments.. c'mon show me some love :rolleyes:
OMG look a tft is blacker then a CRT!! :eek:

Seriously, read this article about LCD technology learn something guys and keep the flaming low, its crazy. The monitor has perfect colour reproduction and blacks are black, greys are grey etc..
OMG look a tft is blacker then a CRT!! :eek:

Seriously, read this article about LCD technology learn something guys and keep the flaming low, its crazy. The monitor has perfect colour reproduction and blacks are black, greys are grey etc..

i would try turning the LCD on before trying to sell the point that the LCD in the picture has deeper blacks than a CRT. :rolleyes:
Mine looks like that when the power is of also :D

and the flash against the glass screen of the CRT doesnt help your point any :D
You guys need to lay off the personal attacks and flaming or the thread gets locked and folks get administrative attention. Completely up to you.
Seriously, read this article about LCD technology learn something guys and keep the flaming low, its crazy. The monitor has perfect colour reproduction and blacks are black, greys are grey etc..

CRT monitors can’t have an absolutely black screen? How can anyone even say that? I'm looking at my 19" CRT besides the BenQ fp241w and it is way darker. I tend to watch my movies at night, in darkness. Not in daylight. Sorry but blacks are not black. It's a great monitor yes, but lets not think any lcd matches CRTs in dark scenes.

All this talk about resolution, response times etc is for nothing if they can't reproduce blacks. Especially for movies.
CRT monitors can’t have an absolutely black screen? How can anyone even say that? I'm looking at my 19" CRT besides the BenQ fp241w and it is way darker. I tend to watch my movies at night, in darkness. Not in daylight. Sorry but blacks are not black. It's a great monitor yes, but lets not think any lcd matches CRTs in dark scenes.

All this talk about resolution, response times etc is for nothing if they can't reproduce blacks. Especially for movies.

I have given up on this monitor. Actually I've given up on all LCD monitors at the moment. I already own the Acer AL2423W and pretty happy with it. But when it come to playing games and since I still play Unreal Tournament 99 which is a very fast game. I'm having a real problem with lags. The characters in UT99 are a total blur(missing framerates) when they move really fast and I got my ass whooped in almost every single game that I played.

Now I'm switching between my LCD and my CRT(Viewsonic P95f) when only playing games and everything else on my LCD. I don't believe there is any 24" LCD monitor out there at the moment that is good for really fast speed gaming at the moment. 6ms doesn't cut it. But 6ms should be fine for many other games out there that doesn't really take advantage of the response time. THis is just a little warning for the real competitive gamers out there who play the games that I play that will need great response time.
Hi Guys,

I received my replacement monitor a few days ago. No dead pixels or tilt and with 1.1 firmware.

I've just noticed that I have lighter patches on a black screen. The background light does not appear to be evenly spread. I can't remember if my old monitor had this.

Does anyone else have this and would you consider it a fault?

Hi Guys,

I received my replacement monitor a few days ago. No dead pixels or tilt and with 1.1 firmware.

I've just noticed that I have lighter patches on a black screen. The background light does not appear to be evenly spread. I can't remember if my old monitor had this.

Does anyone else have this and would you consider it a fault?


It depends on how bad it is. Majority of the LCD out there will have blacklight bleeding. So where is your backlight leaking from?
Err all over :D

I got patches of light in over 70% of the monitor. But it is particularly bright in the left areas.

I can't remember the other monitor having this.

Would you say it is a fault?
Err all over :D

I got patches of light in over 70% of the monitor. But it is particularly bright in the left areas.

I can't remember the other monitor having this.

Would you say it is a fault?

Really? Do you have a digital camera? You're going to need a pretty dark room to take the picture of your monitor to see the uneven backlight.
Hi jcbguk,

It was good to chat today, as one of the many things discussed, BenQ UK do monitor posts on this and other forums on a daily basis, have done for a few years. Where we can help and post replies we try to.... agreed not as often as we should. our office move (eventually after Buncefield explosion 14 months ago) it's been a little manic. I'm hoping you will see more from us in 2007.

emails coming into the UK offices are usually turned around in 3 hours where possible, sometimes not possible but we do try to maintain where possible.

so just to clear up a couple of questions you had:

FP241WZ. will be available from the end of February. We don't expect much delay here, buy UK for a swift warranty.

Silver/black: one reason this is the colour of choice for Europe is to work within TCO guidelines/recommendations for PC Monitors. If the frame surrounding the display seems too dark or too light, a problem with contrast is created which is extremely tiring for the eyes - TCO.

FP241VW. UK reviews will be out before end of Feb, Z and non-Z have already 7 UK Awards.:cool: it's the monitor I use personally and yes, I paid for it!

PerfectMotion - it's a personal thing, I've been promoting it since the summer and response varies. when you get it, try each level to see what suits. but remember to switch off for desktop apps!

Who's panel? AUO are part of the BenQ Group. :rolleyes:

Brightness it's a 500cd/m2 screen that's flexible screen for work & home, have a play with the settings to suit your needs... half the fun of new toys right?

Anything more general we can try and help, our UK service centre really do try to offer the best possible service. Where we see post about specific problems we do forward on, to get a better understanding of customer issues.

Hope this helps, thanks for keeping the faith in BenQ, we're only 5 years old as a brand and one thing I can assure you is that we're passionate about our brand & products.


BenQ UK Marketing Manager.


Can someone please explain the "black/silver" discussion? The frame is black, right? -- wouldn't that be significant contrast between it and the display? I'm wondering why the display isn't silver? Thanks.
I made a previous post about photos which i have copied below. I hope it helps.

Hi All,
After almost 2 weeks of waiting I finally recieved my monitor from NCIX and it is spectacular. No pictures that I have taken or anyone else on this site has taken do this monitor justice, the quality is just that good. I have just started playing with it, but I thought would put up a few pictures for you guys. I have been having problems with my 8800 gtx and its drivers though, and it is causing issues with 1:1 mapping in games via dvi. When I run my laptop through the vga input, the same game (Civ 4) will map perfectly 1:1. I will try to resolve the issue and post more pictures and a full review this weekend.
For now, enjoy the pictures, and I hope all of you have broadband!
The main files is about 65 megs and the 360 file is about 24 megs.
All were taken at the highest quality and least compression with and 8 megapixel camera.
All pictures have captions describing exactly what they are.
They are all zip files, sorry if it is an inconvenience to anyone.

For Main Files
Link =
Another, but slower link -

For 360 Files

Let me know if the links suddenly stop working, I tested it after upload and all of them worked.
Try the mediafire link first, it is faster.
I also chose to split up the 360 pics from the rest because I know some of you just want the 360 pics.

All 360 pics taken via componant.
I have taken pictures of the 360 at the resolution page in the dashboard.
480P,720P,1080i, and 1080P - a pic of each resolution at each mapping setting (Eg 1:1, aspect,full) so that it is easier to see the difference.
There are also some pics of Gears of War in there just for fun.
I also took some pics of Civ 4 via dvi at native rez.
And some non native rez pics from my laptops vga. EG(1024 X 768,1280X1024,1600X1200)
I also took some pics of the overall screen realestate of the monitor and I took some showing applications and how much more space you get to work. (Photoshop,Premier,Word,Powerp oint)
Finally, I took some pictures of my N64 hooked up via composite. The 1:1 worked beautifully.
Also, if anyone would like a RAW (CR2) copy of any photo, just pm me with an email address and i will send it to you.
I've had my display for a week now, and I finally got the mysterious video blink last night. It happened about 3 times within 2 minutes. It was the first times it happened and hasn't happened since, so I have no idea what the issue is. I was in the middle of using it and the video blinks off for 1 second and comes back. The power light stays green when it happens, so I don't think it's a loss of signal.

To say there are 20 issues with this display is a bit overblown. I'd day mainly 2 or 3 technical concerns, 2 or 3 technical issues depending on what you're looking for (like if the PiP will fit your needs), a bunch of user perception issues (display looks "cheap"), and several non-issues (this isn't the only display in the world to ever have 1 dead pixel once in a while).
Really? Do you have a digital camera? You're going to need a pretty dark room to take the picture of your monitor to see the uneven backlight.

Well here you go guys. Here is my monitor replacement with the backlight bleed issue I was reffering to:


The image is grainy because of the low light levels and high ISO that I had to use. But this is more or less what it looks like.

I don't know about you but I think this is a major fault - for the second time! Only before it was a dead pixel and a wonky stand.
Well here you go guys. Here is my monitor replacement with the backlight bleed issue I was reffering to:


The image is grainy because of the low light levels and high ISO that I had to use. But this is more or less what it looks like.

I don't know about you but I think this is a major fault - for the second time! Only before it was a dead pixel and a wonky stand.

Yep, faulty. My panel is working great, sorry you have to go through this.
Well here you go guys. Here is my monitor replacement with the backlight bleed issue I was reffering to:


The image is grainy because of the low light levels and high ISO that I had to use. But this is more or less what it looks like.

I don't know about you but I think this is a major fault - for the second time! Only before it was a dead pixel and a wonky stand.

That's pretty bad I would say. That's a uneven cloudy backlighting and probably a major fault. Mine just leak gradually on the left side but that is pretty bad. Better call them up and see if you can return it. That's why I will only buy monitors locally. Take a better picture if they want some proof.
I made a previous post about photos which i have copied below. I hope it helps.

Hi All,
After almost 2 weeks of waiting I finally recieved my monitor from NCIX and it is spectacular. No pictures that I have taken or anyone else on this site has taken do this monitor justice, the quality is just that good. I have just started playing with it, but I thought would put up a few pictures for you guys. I have been having problems with my 8800 gtx and its drivers though, and it is causing issues with 1:1 mapping in games via dvi. When I run my laptop through the vga input, the same game (Civ 4) will map perfectly 1:1. I will try to resolve the issue and post more pictures and a full review this weekend.
For now, enjoy the pictures, and I hope all of you have broadband!
The main files is about 65 megs and the 360 file is about 24 megs.
All were taken at the highest quality and least compression with and 8 megapixel camera.
All pictures have captions describing exactly what they are.
They are all zip files, sorry if it is an inconvenience to anyone.

For Main Files
Link =
Another, but slower link -

For 360 Files

Let me know if the links suddenly stop working, I tested it after upload and all of them worked.
Try the mediafire link first, it is faster.
I also chose to split up the 360 pics from the rest because I know some of you just want the 360 pics.

All 360 pics taken via componant.
I have taken pictures of the 360 at the resolution page in the dashboard.
480P,720P,1080i, and 1080P - a pic of each resolution at each mapping setting (Eg 1:1, aspect,full) so that it is easier to see the difference.
There are also some pics of Gears of War in there just for fun.
I also took some pics of Civ 4 via dvi at native rez.
And some non native rez pics from my laptops vga. EG(1024 X 768,1280X1024,1600X1200)
I also took some pics of the overall screen realestate of the monitor and I took some showing applications and how much more space you get to work. (Photoshop,Premier,Word,Powerp oint)
Finally, I took some pictures of my N64 hooked up via composite. The 1:1 worked beautifully.
Also, if anyone would like a RAW (CR2) copy of any photo, just pm me with an email address and i will send it to you.

Is that your camera because everything look so bluish.
I don't own this monitor but that backlight patchiness is definitely a fault. You better try to return it or get a replacement.
Yes, the photos have a slight bluish tint. Sorry about that. The pictures do not do the monitor justice. I was just trying to give pictures that showed how the 1:1 and scaling features were working. The quality of this monitor is unbelievable.
Just got my Benq FP241W from NCIX today. Just hooked it up and calibrated it with a Spyder2Express. Colors looks more natural now. Upgraded from a Dell 17 Inch LCD. Need to hook up the PS3 with HDMI and WII with component. Using a X1950 Pro AGP on a Dell Northwood 3.0 Ghz. Will try and post some pictures tonight.
Just got my Benq FP241W from NCIX today. Just hooked it up and calibrated it with a Spyder2Express. Colors looks more natural now. Upgraded from a Dell 17 Inch LCD. Need to hook up the PS3 with HDMI and WII with component. Using a X1950 Pro AGP on a Dell Northwood 3.0 Ghz. Will try and post some pictures tonight.

What values have you put the brightness, contract, R, G, B etc on to? I'd like to see what the Spyder2Express thing thinks are best to have, and see how they differ from mine.
I have mine on standard settings with the brightness at 35 contrast 44
Brightness is at 90
Contrast is at 50
Sharpness is at 3
RGB are all at 50

Few things to note. Monitor has also went black for a split sec and came back on. I also encountered a problem with the DVI. It might be the cable but I'm not sure. I think its the monitor itself. I hooked up the PS3 via HDMI (monoprice) and optical to the Creative DDTS-100. GT HD looks nice, Genji Demo is so so, and Resident Evil 4 (PS2) looks like crap.
RE4 black bars on the right sides in aspect mode for some reason. I think the widescreen has some weird ratio since there in game widescreen option creates black bars ingame which stretch to the top so thats probably why the game doesn't stretch fully to the sides.
After I was done testing the PS3, I changed the input back to DVI-D and it said no signal even though my computer was on. Tried the included VGA cable with a DVI adapter that came with the Video card and still no signal. Unplugged and tried replugging it didn't seem to work. Turned off the computer and then back on with the included DVI cable and it displays the computer input again, weird. Tested it with VGA and DVI again to make sure they are working. Right when I went to the forums it flashed for a split second.

I would blame the signal problem on the DVI cable, but VGA didn't work, unless it was something to do with the way the BENQ accepts the digital signal since I used the VGA with an DVI adapter.

Also noticed the monitor its pretty warm to the touch on the top. Going to play around with it some more to see if theres more problems. I'll probably order a DVI cable from monoprice since I need something else from there anyways. Camera is out of battery, so charging.

Key things
Monitor pretty warm
Went black and back on for a split second
No signal detected from DVI + VGA w/DVI adapter after testing PS3

Everything else the monitor seems very nice coming from an old analog 17" Dell. I'll test the WII component, but I have to rearrange the DDTS since the RCA audio part is really short. Will also test Street Fighter to see if theres lag for fighting games. Need some rest... Happy Chinese New Year btw

WII through component doesn't seem to display the correct ratio. At 4:3 setting in the WII it displays black bars on the sides which should be normal. When you set it to 16:9 in the wii it just seems to say at the 4:3 ratio but it looks stretched. Also for people that looking into the DDTS-100, it doesn't seem to detect the WII's Dolby digital or Resident Evil 4's dolby digital. Also after being in the WII component input mode for a while, I tried to change it back to the PC and again no signal detected. I had to turn off the PC and restart the PC which seemed to make the monitor work. Maybe the cable, but so far seems like the monitor.

So now
Wii widescreen doesn't seem to display correctly
Dolby digital isn't working correctly for the DDTS-100 (Creative DDTS-100 ppl only)

So now I think I'll try another DVI cable and I think the ratio system for the monitor is kinda messed up. Going to hook up the dreamcast via S-video to see how lag is on Third Strike. Composite works btw at least when I had to use to to change my settings to HDMI on the PS3

Couldn't find my S-vid cable for the dreamcast so just used the composite. Street Fighter 3s seems to play fine with my dying Agetec stick. It feels like this a slight lag but not really noticable, I think only because I'm so use to playing it in the arcades. Seemed to change input from composite to DVI fine. Still not sure what it is. Damn Creative DDTS-100 is just as buggy as the Benq. I'm only getting sound out of one speaker when playing on the Dreamcast....
Could the monitor going black for a split second have anything to do with HDCP? I have seen it on my BenQ, but only seems to do it, when first waking it up out of sleep, or right after turning it on, or switching inputs. It never happends when I am actually using the LCD.