Office XP Standard NFR $60

i'd turn them in to M$.

NFR stands for "Not for resale"

they're violating that by their post as they do NOT make it explicitly clear that you're buying the mouse for 60.00


On their front page they are selling DVDXcopy, which you can't even activate anymore!

I hope they get slammed hard.
dave_graham said:
i'd turn them in to M$.

NFR stands for "Not for resale"

they're violating that by their post as they do NOT make it explicitly clear that you're buying the mouse for 60.00


I am not a lawyer, but I don't think they are bound by the "NFR" unless the install/agree to it.

if they are at all involved with being a Microsoft certified partner, etc. then they are liable for the software they sell. interestingly, it could be STRONGLY reasoned that the crappy ass mouse doesn't carry a value anywhere close to the software and that they are selling the software itself (again, a violation). NFR software also carries a pretty strong EULA that prohibits the dissemination and transmission of the software by stores. You have to use it for qualification, etc. IN-HOUSE.

tell me this: does Newegg sell this version? don't think so.

to the reseller rating guy: that's irrelevant. this is a legal issue not a customer satisfaction issue.


Not that I mind seeing Misfit screwed, but the combination appears to be an reasonably clever end run around an EULA violation for NFR software. This is akin to a number of sales on I've seen to try to get around anti-scalping laws. (E.g. the typical "I'm selling a Red Sox pin for $500 and you're getting the playoff tickets for free!")

Whether it would hold up if they got pressed is questionable. Most of the other bundles I've seen like this seem to have actually gone through without legal action, but they were not taking on a company of quite of this magnitude. Clearly these guys would lose their Misfit reseller status if they had it, but somehow I doubt they do.

Do keep in mind this is 3 year old software and if you have a school ID you can get a legit copy of Office 2003 for $20 more. Then again, I just bought a big screen monitor so I could use a wireless mouse.

Edit: do look closely at the reseller ratings...some of them really look like they're not legit.
its m$. you KNOW they would rain all kinds of lawyer hell on this kind of thing
Any site that has to put this in red letters to try to "convince" me that this is legit doesn't get my business:

Please Note: This is a fully functional original Microsoft CD with installation key code and CD. On the CD it states you must legally own a copy of their license to use this CD. This software installs, fully activatable & registerable like the Commercial Versions you find in the retail stores.
I've bought from them before. No problems what so ever.

Who cares about the NFR? You're not going to get busted for it.