Office 2010 Excel doesn't close


Limp Gawd
Apr 3, 2007
I have Windows 7 Professional 32 bit installed. I had Office 2007 installed and upgraded it to 2010 yesterday. I started getting a black screen at shut down saying a background program was still open and needed to close. That screen gave me the option to force it to close, cancel, or just wait until Windows closed it. I started digging in to what program would be not closing properly and just assumed it had to be something dealing with the new Office cuz that's the only thing that changed since I started having this problem. I opened Task Manager to see if I could quickly spot anything. Excel.exe was open and I had no Excel documents open at the time. I right clicked on it and ended process and Windows shut down fine. If I open 20 Excel documents, I'll have 20 excel.exes open in Task Manager. I just noticed that excel.exe eventually closes, but it should close when I close the program. Anyone know what's going on? Would it be safe for me to uninstall Office 2010 and reinstall and not lose any emails, contacts, calendars, notes, etc. in Outlook? Is there a way to do that?
Thanks in advance for any help
yeah, the excel.exe process should quit a second or 2 after closing the GUI portion.
Can't say I've seen that issue, but I'm also running 64-bit version of Office.

I would definitely do a reinstall first.
As for Outlook, you can export everything to a PST file, then re-import it if you want to be safe. I don't believe any of that is deleted with an uninstall, anyway, but better safe than sorry.

been a while since I've used it for pop email accounts.
I uninstalled Office 2010 and did a clean install, and I'm still getting the problem. Should I maybe do system restore to before I installed 2010?
Just did a system restore to before I installed 2010. Had to reinstall 2007 to uninstall it. Did a fresh install of 2010 and still having the same problem. The problem exists in Excel as well as in Access.
anything getting logged in any of the event logs that may provide some info?
Where do I check that? Do you mean in Windows event viewer? Or does Office provide something like that?
Where do I check that? Do you mean in Windows event viewer? Or does Office provide something like that?

Office 2007 and 2010 add a couple new logs that are displayed along with the other Windows event logs (system, security, application).
So you should see 5 or so different logs within Windows event viewer.