OEM Vista licences not transferable?


Aug 29, 2001
I have a Dell Laptop that I have a copy of Vista on and I was thinking of getting a Macbook Pro to replace it...the Dell came with XP, so if I sold it I could install XP and keep Vista, but if I remember reading some place that you can't transfer OEM Vista to a new machine...anyone have more info?
As far as I know those OEM OS'es are tied to the manufacturer, in this case DELL and cant be used on other motherboard models
Any version of oem windows is tied to the mobo it was first installed. If your mobo dies you can replace it but you have to call ms to reactivate and say that your mobo died.

Now people will come in here and tell you you can transfer it to a new pc by doing the above but that is lying so if you want to lie to transfer the os then what ever floats your boat.
I have a Dell Laptop that I have a copy of Vista on and I was thinking of getting a Macbook Pro to replace it...the Dell came with XP, so if I sold it I could install XP and keep Vista, but if I remember reading some place that you can't transfer OEM Vista to a new machine...anyone have more info?

OEM means what?

You answered your own question.
If you purchased an OEM license from a third party reseller like Newegg you will have a chance to swap it out or sell it, but an OEM tied to a computer company is assigned to a machine can't be reused legally. The leeway is given for hobbyist by Microsoft based upon the PID number, so basically with a number assigbed to Dell, you are SOL.
If you purchased an OEM license from a third party reseller like Newegg you will have a chance to swap it out or sell it, but an OEM tied to a computer company is assigned to a machine can't be reused legally. The leeway is given for hobbyist by Microsoft based upon the PID number, so basically with a number assigbed to Dell, you are SOL.

Ok Vista was bought via Newegg, who states it is not transferable anyways.
It is correct that OEM is tied to the machine you first installed it on. However I bought my copy via the Egg and it is on its second machine right now. It will go on a third machine when I get a copy of Ultimate. YMMV however, and I would not be surprised if I could not get it on my third machine. Also, if you have a 32bit OEM edition you can send for the 64bit for a cost of about $10 or so from Microsoft.

I know you didn't ask that but I seem to run into a lot of people who are unawares.
The OEM is tied to the machine it was first installed on. Legally you can not run this OS on another machine unlike the retail version.

OEM does not qualify for the more or less "free" 64bit upgrade disc from MS, again unlike the retail version which does.
...it's one of the trade offs you give up for the lower price that OEM costs vs Full Retail version.