Odd problem with Movies and Games


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2002
Hey all,

just got an odd problem while watching video files or playing games. its only started within the past few days.

When doing said activities, the movie/game action will continuously pause ever 2 or 3 seconds for maybe a fraction of a second. It wouldn't be that much of a problem, if it didn't happen constantly.

Athlon XP 2000
Soyo Dragon KT400
GeforceFX 5200
512megs PC-3200 Kingston

Stuff i've tried:
Windows Update
Updating Video drivers(now 53.03, not sure what it was)
Spyware Scan
Virus Scan(i actually had a few)
Re-install video codecs(when i thought it was a strictly video problem)

Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.
Just noticed while checking newgrounds.com, it doesn't matter that i am doing, it always pauses.

Is there a way to check what is accessing my HD? cause when i am idling i get HD activity flashes that seem to be in sync with the pauses
Most likely, you have a program running that periodically "does something".

If you have win 2000 or XP, press alt + ctrl + del to get into the task moniter. Then, goto processes, and click the "CPU tad twice". That way, you can view what programs are using the most CPU clock cycles. Don't mind the system idle process, this is normal. when you notice the "hard drive work, or the lag", just look at the task manager, and see what is taking up the CPU... after a few seconds/minutes, you should be able to pick up a pattern. Then, just do a search for that program on your computer, see if you need that running (i would not recommend you end anything BUT processes that have your user name under "user name"), and if you don't need it, just end task it... and see if that works.

~Hope this helps.
The only processes taking up any significant cpu cycles are:
System Idle Process(79)

Just got done reformatting(figured its a guaranteed fix if its a software problem.

Didn't fix it
I don't know, is the CPU getting abnormally hot?
I had a cpu fan die on me and it started to act wierd.
my hardware monitor says its running at 110*F with 84*F chasis.

CPU has stock heatsink/fan
2 80mm fans in front bezel
2 80mm fans in back
and the normal one in my PSU