Odd 3870x2 Problem


Supreme [H]ardness
May 29, 2001
In crysis ive run into a problem that reminds me of the problems i used to have with 2 2900's in dod source. Im playing that level in crysis where you rescue the scientist from the schol in that little village (the one with the tanks you have to take out with the missile launcher).

Performance in game coming up to that village is tanking for no reason i hopped into a boat and drove to the shoreline and it was like dod all over again, look one way my fps is around 50\60 look at the village direction and my fps are diving to 11 or so. Im gonna grab some screens with the fps indicator on to show whats up.

Ok heres 2 pics, in the first one im looking straight ahead and am getting 52fps

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/cry/crysis64 2008-02-05 14-58-40-00.jpg

Now this screen i move my view ever so slightly to the left and look at my frame rate, its tanked for no reason. In this second pic ive moved my mouse less than a quarter of an inch to the left.

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/cry/crysis64 2008-02-05 14-58-45-16.jpg

Nothings throttling in my system, just seem's to be a weird glitch where crossfire is concerned, almost as if the cards somehow rendering all the stuff you can't see. Had the exact same prob in dod source with crossfired 2900's, look down a street (on some occasions) and your fps would divebomb, look slightly away and the framerate would shoot back up. Its also not a min fps bug or a hiccup in the framerate as the fps never recovers and will stay low if you continue to go\look in that direction.

I kind of have the same thing. When looking in different directions sometimes, I get massive fps drops, and if i just stop and not move, it eventually levels out. Kinda seems like it's trying to load textures and assets almost...and then eventually it loads them and it fine, bu then you walk another couple feet, or turn a different direction and it stutters again. Granted I'm playing at 1440x900 with everything on Very High. It's really odd because the card is easily capable of rendering the scene with high fps, but the stuttering is what kills the performance...
Have you tried reinstalling your drivers? Or do you have any outstanding OC's on the card?
Have you tried reinstalling your drivers? Or do you have any outstanding OC's on the card?

Drivers are fine as this currently seems to be the only game it happens in. Stock clocks on the card.
Has anyone tried this with a 8800 series card to see if the same thing happens?
Has anyone tried this with a 8800 series card to see if the same thing happens?

I've had similar problems on random games, but its usually because I'm running 16xSS, and I'm looking at a bunch of transparent textures like trees.
Im willing to bet its crossfire related. Used to happen to me in dod source with crossfired 2900 1 gig cards.
ha, I have the same exact thing! I believe it is a powerplay issue, because when I turn fast, I can my frames drop too; so I exit the game, and look at rivatuner to find that the clocks went down to 2d for a short period of time, then back up again.

Heres the solution and more info: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=173203

Hopefully a new driver will fix this, but the only real way I can see to fix it now would be to flash the video card's BIOS to one that has the same clocks for both 2d and 3d. If you do this, make sure you download a BIOS from techpower up or get it from a site you trust; I now have 2 ati 3870s that need to be flashed over again due to a crappy bios.